How to use Imju's (or Dejavu's) FiberWig mascara forums

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Mar 7, 2005
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i know a lot of you have seen my pics in this thread with before and afters of me using this mascara. well, i ended up returning it. it was good, but not much better than drugstore mascaras, less than half the price.

well, i had a training on this mascara at work (by a celebrity makeup artist!) and he taught us how to use this and i must say, this is probably the best mascara i've ever used.

here's how to use it...

  • when you take the wand out, do not wipe it on the side of the tube or the tissue. leave it on. you'll see it's filled with fibers.
  • put it on like you would any mascara, horizontally, and then put it on veritcally, literally painting your lashes so that the fibers catch onto the tips of your lashes and extend them like nobody's business.
while the MA was demonstrating this for my coworkers and i (on me), he then smudged the mascara on my cheek! he said if you make a mistake, all you do is let it dry, take a q-tip and it comes off without messing your makeup off. i looooooved that because i also accidentally get mascara on my lids.
he also made us put this on our arm, let it dry, and we rubbed and scratched and it didn't move at all!

to remove this, all you need to use is water. take a little bit, rub gently, and it's all off.

i hope that helps people :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

wow thanks! And I never realized you could put mascara on vertically. :eek: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I need to go try that right now... I feel like I'm missing out on something.

Thanks Jennifer. I love that you work at Sephora because we get great tips from the pros.

Aw, you returned it? I saw the pics from the other thread and your lashes looked amazing!

I can't seem to get the fibers on right...I always end up with one or two extremely long lashes only.

yep! at sephora.

yeah :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


they did look pretty good, but i guess the money was hurting me lol

you use fiberwig?

Lol yes, if you can call it "use"...I'm terrible with it.

My lashes looked nothing like yours. Well, maybe the one or two lashes that did get a fiber did.

wow, it's rather expensive in the states, I think it cost about 10usd in japan. it only cost 15usd here.

This mascara has me SO frusterated! I have to keep trying as well, I CANNOT get this stuff to work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I just don't have the patience. However, I do love how when you make a mistake it comes right off.

Thanks for the tips Jen!

I got it as gratis this week at work, and hadn't planned to try it until you explained it.

me, too!

keep trying, though. you'll get it.

you're welcome!

i got it as a gratis, as well. you didn't get the training from that guy (i forgot his name)? i thought he went around to all of the sephoras teaching us how to use it.

no need to thank me, but you're very welcome!

Hmmm that's how I've always applied mascaras... Does that mean I can be a celebrity make up artist?? :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm a little concerned that it would come off when it rains and your outside you know. Did he say anything about that?
