How to keep straightened hair maintained? forums

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Aug 5, 2005
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Hey ladies!

Ok, I've been aching to wear my hair straightened for a while and since I've moved to Little Rock and wont be dancing as regularly as before, I figured this was a great time to try it out. Buuuut, I really don't have much of a clue how to maintain straightened hair. I'm African-American with natural kinky hair (no perm/relaxer).

Can anybody give me some tips? How should I maintain it each nite? Last night I wrapped it but it's kind of long and that was a little difficult. Tonite I think I'm going to try braiding it and see what happens.

Also, I want to keep my hair in tip top shape since I'll be pressing it once a week probably so any tips on how I can keep it moisturized and conditioned so it stays strong and not breaking off? I love home recipes so if you have some of those, do tell:p!

Thanks everyone!


miss leah, i know that wrapping it is a pain, but it's the best thing to maintain straightened hair. wrap it and tie with a satin (nylon) scarf the keep it smooth. don't worry! the more you do it the easier it will become! the satin also keeps it from drying out too much. i found that i only needed oil after washing and blowdrying. during the week i loved a glossifier. made my hair shiny with making it oily and weighed down. maybe a hot oil treatment once a week will do the trick! i also love queen helene cholesterol conditioner no matter what style i rock. it's been the best product i've found to keep my hair strong and healthy. let us know how it works out! good luck!


Befor bed, I always put my hair into a pony tail, with a few extra elastics along the length.

The scarf is a good idea or you could use a satin pillowcase - serves the same purpose.

I also use a ponytail with a soft scrunchy. That way it leaves no indentations in my hair. In the morning, I brush it out, blow out my bang if nessary and apply a tiny bit of smoothing serum.



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