How to keep hair straight forums

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Feb 6, 2006
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hey everyone !

I have a Sedu Flat Iron which i use quite a bit.. along with my biosilk silk therapy hair serum..

my only problem is it doesnt stay straight within like half an hour it gets wavy or something.. it just wont stay straight

i've heard of phyto straightening balm ... has anyone tried this or any other type of straightening product ?

or does anyone know any tips or tricks to keep your hair straight ??

any help would be much appreciated !!!

I can't offer any help because I have the same problem! I'm just as curious as you to hear the replies!

Thanks for the tip Charmaine!

now . . .

:bandit: hand over the John Freida Satin Shine Finishing Creme and the Matrix Sleek.look Iron Smoother and no one gets hurt. :icon_cool

I like the HealthySexyHair Straightening tonic... seems to keep mine pretty straight - and I don't use an iron... just a dryer ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It's pretty good! I use the shampoo & conditioner too... so I think that helps a lot ... my hair is a lot straighter when I use that stuff for some reason.

its very possible that the reason why it gets wavy after awhile is because you you straight ironed your hair while it still has some moisture in it or because the iron isn't hot enough or even that you run the iron through your hair a little too quickly... i have naturally curly hair and when i first started flat iron i had the same problem and it was always because of one of the above reasons...or because of the weather outside (too humid or rain)... it also used to take me forever to flat iron all my hair (i have a lot of hair) and now i can do it a lot just takes practice.

I use Babylis Pro flat iron (2 inch) and it works great for my super uncool frizzy/out-of-control wavy hair!

Go to their website (, and try a salon location search. They do have 100% awesome products! I love the shampoo, conditioner and leave-in treatment!

I have a problem keeping my hair straight as well. For instance, this morning I straightened it and it was all smooth and sleek (well, mostly!) and by the time I got to class, it had frizzed out completely. Sigh. (It was an ultra-foggy morning, so that made it worse.)

My sister straightens her hair, too, but it always stays straight even for days on end because she uses this spray, Paul Mitchell Heat Seal. It locks out humidity and whatnot... Anyway, I'm going to go out and purchase that for myself. Heh...

I usually put my hair up in a high ponytail, with a soft scrunchie... usually keeps it in check through my workout. If you sweat a lot, a sweatband or fabric headband can help keep the hair around your temples and hairline from getting wet and frizzy. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I think that the type of hair you have plays a big role in whether it stays straight long after you have straightened it... my hair is very thick and dry, sometimes frizzy... elements like water, wind or heat make my hair un-straighten pretty quick.

John Frieda easy frizz helps a bit, but it also makes my hair greasy if it's done a bit too much.

I think overall the things that help best are healthy hair, not too much chemicals and blind luck in genes concerning your hair structure ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Sunsilk straighten up. I put it on damp haor blow dry and then flat iron and also use heat tamer and that sould do it. Because that is what I do.

i use paul mitchell straight works (i used to have the same problem for years).

you dont need a lot, a bottle is like $15 and lasts for months (i had one that lasted over a year).

NYAngel, I have to say that whatever you recommend for hair care is worth looking into- your hair is beautiful! Keep the advice flowing, please.

I can't find this ANYWHERE, even places that carry the whole line! The stylists look at me like I have 3 heads. Is this discontinued?
Some people just can't keep the hair straight. My hair was like that until I did the Japanese reconditioning($700) every 6-12 months depends how your hair grows and how curly your roots are. I used to get professional blowouts twice a week and it wouldn't last, especially when was humid outside.

The Japanese treatment was the best thing I ever did, it leaves my hair silk and shine, it only takes me 10 minutes to dry my hair and is straight frizz-free no matter what(even on the beach).

I like NY Angels's advice.

After I flat Iron, I always put my hair in a pony tail until I am ready to go out.

As well, I always sleep with my hair in a pony tail. If I don't, my hair becomes curly overnight.

I love the flat iron.Is this type ceramic?My best tip for keeping your hair straight is use lower heat.
