hello, i didnt read through all of these so idk if its been said, if not it may sound weird.
but i mix extra virgin olive oil and dawn dish washing liquid. the dishwashing liquid alone will strip your brushes and ruin them, which is where the olive oil comes it, itll condition them and make them stronger and last. just pour alittle of both in a bowl and swirl your brush around in it, dont mash the brushes down, and then wipe your brush back and forth on your hand and make sure you rinse them very well and after they are clean and rinsed off gently squeeze excess water out with a paper towel and make sure the bristles are standing up, if you dont have any get some brush guards, i got a pack with many sizes at walmart for $5, and store your brushes UPSIDE DOWN in a cup so that any excess water will drain out of the brush instead of into the handle where it can loosen up your bristle and make them shed even more. it may sound weird but it does work but like i said use the liquid and olive oil sparingly.