Originally Posted by frazerti okay you have a no lye relaxer, no lye are ones you have to mix with activator they usually come in the box for about 5.00, and you have the ones that have lye which are no mix they don't come in a box just a jar, one that i like is affirm or kera care, mizani is the best and they usually run about 10.00 and up, now the no lye comes with conditioner and xtras, the lye you have to buy the neutralizing shampoo separate as well as the conditioner, that would be an arm and a leg if you can afford it, if not do the box. sodium hydroxide is the active ingredient that is very affective for people with curley hair. now determining the type of relaxer all depends on your hair you have mild medium and super super is extreme for people with coarse hair and medium is for ppl with normal hair and mild is for fine if you know the texture of your hair then choose accordingly. now take base or vaseline and base your scalp and the perimeter of your head all around then prt your hair in four prts and sart in the nape of your head and work up. now is this your first time ever staightening your hair if it is then you are what we call a virgin and also try not to brush comb or scratch the scalp the day b4 other then that go to a salon near you and have them do it at the salon you can find some cheap that will do it for 20 -60 bucks personally i don't do it for that much (I charge much more) but it would probably be in your best interest
great advice tiffany!