How the relaxer works? forums

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May 20, 2006
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Hi guys,

I always wanted to do the thermal hair straightening , but I can't afford it, so I heard relaxer will help to make hair more straight and silky , I just don't have any idea how the relaxer works , does anybody have any experience about it ?

okay you have a no lye relaxer, no lye are ones you have to mix with activator they usually come in the box for about 5.00, and you have the ones that have lye which are no mix they don't come in a box just a jar, one that i like is affirm or kera care, mizani is the best and they usually run about 10.00 and up, now the no lye comes with conditioner and xtras, the lye you have to buy the neutralizing shampoo separate as well as the conditioner, that would be an arm and a leg if you can afford it, if not do the box. sodium hydroxide is the active ingredient that is very affective for people with curley hair. now determining the type of relaxer all depends on your hair you have mild medium and super super is extreme for people with coarse hair and medium is for ppl with normal hair and mild is for fine if you know the texture of your hair then choose accordingly. now take base or vaseline and base your scalp and the perimeter of your head all around then prt your hair in four prts and sart in the nape of your head and work up. now is this your first time ever staightening your hair if it is then you are what we call a virgin and also try not to brush comb or scratch the scalp the day b4 other then that go to a salon near you and have them do it at the salon you can find some cheap that will do it for 20 -60 bucks personally i don't do it for that much (I charge much more) but it would probably be in your best interest


Originally Posted by frazerti okay you have a no lye relaxer, no lye are ones you have to mix with activator they usually come in the box for about 5.00, and you have the ones that have lye which are no mix they don't come in a box just a jar, one that i like is affirm or kera care, mizani is the best and they usually run about 10.00 and up, now the no lye comes with conditioner and xtras, the lye you have to buy the neutralizing shampoo separate as well as the conditioner, that would be an arm and a leg if you can afford it, if not do the box. sodium hydroxide is the active ingredient that is very affective for people with curley hair. now determining the type of relaxer all depends on your hair you have mild medium and super super is extreme for people with coarse hair and medium is for ppl with normal hair and mild is for fine if you know the texture of your hair then choose accordingly. now take base or vaseline and base your scalp and the perimeter of your head all around then prt your hair in four prts and sart in the nape of your head and work up. now is this your first time ever staightening your hair if it is then you are what we call a virgin and also try not to brush comb or scratch the scalp the day b4 other then that go to a salon near you and have them do it at the salon you can find some cheap that will do it for 20 -60 bucks personally i don't do it for that much (I charge much more) but it would probably be in your best interest

how much do you charge?
lol yeah, if you go to any other salon in nyc like downtown a couple i know will charge 150

I used to get my hair relaxed, and I probably still will on occasion. The whole process generally takes me 3 hours total, and that's just for a touch-up. There's a difference between relaxers/straigheners used for Caucasian hair and African-American/Mixed hair. The best brand to work to date for me is Affirm, followed closely by Vitale Pro. I had to quit using the store bought ones because they just made my hair curlier and kinkier. I generally spend $75-$95 with tip depending on the salon I go to, and I get touch-ups every 6 to 8 weeks.

Originally Posted by Aquilah I used to get my hair relaxed, and I probably still will on occasion. The whole process generally takes me 3 hours total, and that's just for a touch-up. There's a difference between relaxers/straigheners used for Caucasian hair and African-American/Mixed hair. The best brand to work to date for me is Affirm, followed closely by Vitale Pro. I had to quit using the store bought ones because they just made my hair curlier and kinkier. I generally spend $75-$95 with tip depending on the salon I go to, and I get touch-ups every 6 to 8 weeks. it means for 8 weeks your hair stays kinda straight ?
I only spend $6.99 cuz i relax my own hair and style it myself.I use Creme of Nature Herb Rich no lye relaxer.My hair comes out soft and sheen,but it does help to deep condition it evry other weak depending on your hairs condition.

Originally Posted by mindi it means for 8 weeks your hair syats kinda straight ? basically,but you may have to hit up the flat iron a few times,lol
Originally Posted by frazerti okay you have a no lye relaxer, no lye are ones you have to mix with activator they usually come in the box for about 5.00, and you have the ones that have lye which are no mix they don't come in a box just a jar, one that i like is affirm or kera care, mizani is the best and they usually run about 10.00 and up, now the no lye comes with conditioner and xtras, the lye you have to buy the neutralizing shampoo separate as well as the conditioner, that would be an arm and a leg if you can afford it, if not do the box. sodium hydroxide is the active ingredient that is very affective for people with curley hair. now determining the type of relaxer all depends on your hair you have mild medium and super super is extreme for people with coarse hair and medium is for ppl with normal hair and mild is for fine if you know the texture of your hair then choose accordingly. now take base or vaseline and base your scalp and the perimeter of your head all around then prt your hair in four prts and sart in the nape of your head and work up. now is this your first time ever staightening your hair if it is then you are what we call a virgin and also try not to brush comb or scratch the scalp the day b4 other then that go to a salon near you and have them do it at the salon you can find some cheap that will do it for 20 -60 bucks personally i don't do it for that much (I charge much more) but it would probably be in your best interest

for how long this relaxtion gonna stay on hair? a month?
I wouldnt recommend you get a relaxer unless you plan on keeping it up. Once a relaxer is in your hair gets used to it and just cutting off use will seriously break off your hair.

Have you tried investing in a really good ceramic flat iron like a chi? It may not last as long but if you dont like the out come you dont have to worry about your hair falling out of you discontinue use. Dont get me wrong relaxers are great but they are also very expensive and time consuming to keep up. If you have the time and the money then go for it

Originally Posted by mebabygirl86 I only spend $6.99 cuz i relax my own hair and style it myself.I use Creme of Nature Herb Rich no lye relaxer.My hair comes out soft and sheen,but it does help to deep condition it evry other weak depending on your hairs condition.

basically,but you may have to hit up the flat iron a few times,lol

where can i find this creme u use? and does it have instruction? cause i like to do it by myself
well some ppl are different ppl get it every four to six mos it depends I used to relax my hair after two mos so it depends

I don't use relaxers anymore I'm natural you know like that girl jade frm antm b/4 they cut it off that is how my hair is thick and full and healthy full of curls thats whats best for me I'm tired of that relaxer ****

Originally Posted by mindi where can i find this creme u use? and does it have instruction? cause i like to do it by myself I get it from the beauty supply store(its cheaper here)or you can find it at duane reade or walgreens.But I suggest you get it done at a salon for the first time so you wont take a risk and mess up your hair.this way you can watch and observe them then you can go on and try to do it urself after.thats how i learned to do relaxers,colorings,ponytails and some styles
no no no if you are a first time user then don't do it I know this woman who tried to put a relaxer in her head and it messed up her hair she didn't know you had to comb it a little to straighten the hair or pull it through

go to a cheap one around the way and make sur you know what your doing like for ethnic ppl we know what to do simply cause our grand mothers used to do our hair and the tradition passed on but there is always a right and wrong to puuting a relaxer in your hair and if you make one mistake that is it for your hair go to a pro or go to a beauty school where they give free services or really really cheap ones

Originally Posted by mindi it means for 8 weeks your hair stays kinda straight ? When you get your initial relaxer, the whole head is relaxed. Only the roots/new growth is done for touch-ups. Whenever I wash my hair, I still have to straighten it with a flat iron or curling iron, as well as blow dry it straight with a round brush.

Originally Posted by SerenityEludes I wouldnt recommend you get a relaxer unless you plan on keeping it up. Once a relaxer is in your hair gets used to it and just cutting off use will seriously break off your hair.Have you tried investing in a really good ceramic flat iron like a chi? It may not last as long but if you dont like the out come you dont have to worry about your hair falling out of you discontinue use. Dont get me wrong relaxers are great but they are also very expensive and time consuming to keep up. If you have the time and the money then go for it

I don't think I've ever had this problem... My last relaxer was in February, and if anything, I'd say the constant relaxers probably damaged my hair moreso than quitting them. I've been using HealthySexyHair at the suggestion of Janelle, and this is the healthiest my hair has EVER been! I'm sure it would be just as healthy if I was still getting relaxers and using HSH too, but my hair definitely needed the break!
chemically straghitening the hair different and simple then japanese and reconditioning
