How old were you when you got your driver's license? forums

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Girl, I got mine last yr.... I'm 24...


Oh and it really does get better and easier and u start developing really good judgement of what other drivers are gonna do which makes life so much easier cuz u just laugh at the nonsense.


my parents threatned to ground me if i didnt get mine.

i was like 17. i got it, but i still didnt drive until i was like 18 when they were like 'look were sick and tired of driving you around eveywhere. if you wanna go somewhere drive youself'...

16.......but i got into i didnt get them back until i'm 18.

I'm 21 and I still don't have my drivers licsense. I've been scared of getting into accidents and such since forever, So I never felt the need to drive. Now, I kind of wish I went for it years ago, but there's nothing I can do now. I'll eventually get around to getting it....

i got my license when i was bout 18 an a half (20 now). My eldest bro had left home for an apartment with no car park so he left his car at home and allowed me to drive it. I accidentally hit a parked car 2 wks after getting it (bit of a story there) so that was an expensive lesson. Though prob for the best cos i'm pretty cautious now.

Originally Posted by macface /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm asking because I'm 24 and I'm bearly going to get it.I know I'm pretty old but I always had car accident phobia. Well, I`m 34 and I got mine only a few months ago, so you are apparently not too "old" for that ,compared to me. I aways say:it`s better late than never
Actually, my dad taught me to drive in the very young age, and thanks to him, I`ve never had any anxieties or phobias when it comes to driving. I always knew I could be a great driver , it just happened to be that there were numerous interferences in my life that forced me to drop my driving lessons ...

In short, go for it!!! You`ll do fine

i totally feel you. i didn't get mine until i was 19. i didn't have anyone to teach me how to drive when i was younger, and then the longer i waited the scarier it got and the more afraid i was to start driving. my boyfriend taught me how to, and now i've been driving for a few years. if you just pay attention and be safe it isn't as scary as you think it will be. good luck!

I got mine in May of this year at 22

Took me 3 learner permits and 2 driving schools to get it.

I was 16. I started working at 12, so I was so happy to be able to drive myself to work.

tested for my permit @ 15. failed never went back til last week. i have a learners permit & i can schedule the driving test whenever i'm ready. i don't have to wait for a certain time limit or anything. btw i'm 21. so its not thaaat bad i guess hah i've had a fear of driving since forever, but i gotta get over it for school.

I just got mine last summer, when I was 21. I still don't drive much. The longest I have driven is about twenty miles. I just don't like driving. It does get easier every time, though.

My family members (aunts/uncles/cousins) were so annoying when I didn't have my license. They thought I was so weird, and they'd pick on me for not having it. They STILL pick on me because it took me until I was 21 to get it. I don't really care what they say, it was my decesion and I got it when I was ready for it. So don't let anyone tell you you *need* to get it now, just get it when YOU want to.


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