How much do you tip your hairdresser?? forums

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I think the norm is 15-20%. I think I tipped 15% last time- I paid only $23.50 I think, before the tip...

First off I've been going to my girl for, gosh, 7 years?! I absolutely love her and would never even dream of going anywhere else.

Anyways, when I go in to see her it is usually for a trim and high-lights. Also, I do have a lot of hair, it is extremely thick.

It ends up costing my a little over $100 before tip. I tip around 20%.

I think it depend on your relationship with your stylist. If you just go to random people then I'd probably only do 15%. But when you've been seeing someone for a long time you want to treat them well, cause they'll do the same.

IMHO it is better to over tip than under tip! (I am also an ex-server)

Err.. i don't tip, I don't know anyone else who tips.

I recon they overcharge anyway. no need for tips.

really good haircut- 20%

if its ok or fair- 10% (i think)

owner/propietor of business- not neccessary to tip

( some customers give a gift in lieu of a tip)

Originally Posted by aplsmash /img/forum/go_quote.gif It is customary to tip at least 15%. Plus a separate smaller tip for the person who shampoos your hair. But I tip about 18% standardly--20% if I really love how my hair looks!
I give 20% also. I am also in the service industry and know how it is to make our living off of tips.

i try to tip 20%, sometimes more if they did excellent job and were not too pushy on me
Originally Posted by SierraWren /img/forum/go_quote.gif But I tip about 18% standardly--20% if I really love how my hair looks! I usually tip 20% too, 15% if I am unhappy with the service.
I only said 15% as a general standard guideline, but I have read that this is gradually changing to 20%.

I used to tip until I found out my hairdresser earns about £10K more than me!! I was shocked. Hairdressers in good salons are paid well in the UK. No-one in the UK works for tips so we are not used to tipping - only for good service in restaurants and such. When I go to the US I always tip at least 15-20% because I realize service workers earn from their tips. Most British people don't realize this. We're not really cheap we're just not used to tipping.


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