How much do you tip your hairdresser?? forums

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Dec 23, 2006
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O.K. guys so my friends and I were having a discussion and wanting to know what is customary to tip the person who cuts you hair? Is there like a certain percentage?? What do you guys do? What is your haircut is like $40? how much would you tip?

It is customary to tip at least 15%. Plus a separate smaller tip for the person who shampoos your hair.

I am one of those tippers that every hairdresser wishes she had. I typically tip a little more than 15%.

It depends on what she has done. If it involves cut and color then I usually tip $20.00.

When it is just a haircut, then I tip $10.00.

My cut/color typically runs about $70 so I usually give anywhere from $10 - $15 depending on how much stuff she does to it.

I've never really tiped for services based on a percentage, more or less based on my satisfaction with the service itself. I've never left my hairstylist with less than a $10 tip and the most i've given is $20 (usually when there's multiple things being done) and as for the assistant who shampoos your hair, usually $5 going to school for cosmo..and when i do clients hair..they r extremely cheap!!!! the most ive gotten is $5.. well i know im still in school..but they dont let just anyone do clients hair..u must know how to do it before hand.. but still..its very depressing..when i go to salons i would tip 10..just for hair cut..

you'd be surprised to see how cheap some people can be, esspecially if they've never made their earrings from tips before in their lives. i've come to notice (through waitressing and similar jobs) that the more money someone makes, the less likely they are to leave a good tip, they dont realize how much of a difference it will make.

the way i look at it, if i recieve service from some place weither it be the hair salon, the tattoo shop or a restaurant if i plan on going back I better leave a good tip if I want those people to remember me and continue treating me well, when you take care of the people who serve you, they're going to be more likely to give you the best of themselves

"Always overtip!" quote from Steve Martin in My Blue Heaven I can guarantee that you will never have to wait in line again!I recently found out it was customary to tip the stylist 10-15% I am an ex-server so I have always tipped 20%, I know that by overtipping has some priceless benefits, no cancellation fees, I never have to wait, just the opossite, I get bumped ahead of the non-tippers, the service is always personal and outstanding. I really love getting my hair done at the beauty school, I feel it's safer because the instructor is right there and the students really listen to what I want. Besides, the services are a bargain. Just because I'm saving money doesn't mean I skimp on the tip. They charged me $60 for a complicated cut and color so I tipped $20 the same percentage as if I had paid $100 anywhere else.
It costs me anywhere from $60-$80 when I go in, and I normally tip $10-$15. No one's complained, and they're always appreciative... I reckon others don't tip as well

Originally Posted by Jackie_ /img/forum/go_quote.gif going to school for cosmo..and when i do clients hair..they r extremely cheap!!!! the most ive gotten is $5.. well i know im still in school..but they dont let just anyone do clients hair..u must know how to do it before hand.. but still..its very depressing..when i go to salons i would tip 10..just for hair cut.. Same. But our clients will tip a good amount depending on what we do.
That's the reason I just promote myself and bring my own clients in! Better tips. I did an updo the other day and got a 20 dollar tip. I was amazed!

i always tip 10, 15 if i am also getting it colored. if i have a different colorist than teh person doing my hair, then they both get 10.

Originally Posted by PrettyFlowers /img/forum/go_quote.gif I just got a hairut (trim) and two colour highlights for $127.00. I left a $10.00 tip.
Did I under tip the guy?

I'm afraid so. The customary 15% would've been $19.05.