How long does it take your hair to air-dry? forums

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my hair literally takes one hour and half if i leave it alone loose or two hours. It goes all the way down my butt

It takes forever, so I never have the patience.

Even if I did, when my hair dries naturally it gets puffy and frizzy and does not look good at all.

1-2 hours I would guess? I don't know, I always blowdry!

As thick and coarse as my hair is, not to mention extremely porous, it seriously takes up to 36+ hours for my hair to air dry! It really sucks!

yeah if I let my hair airdry, it takes forever + looks like crap therefore it's very rare that I do that unless i'm holed up in my room studying which is what has been happening lately!

So I guess the new question would be, how long does it take you to dry and style your hair on a regular basis?

My hair takes like 4-5 hours But my hair is thick & super long almost past my butt!!!! & it takes 2 hours if I want to blowdry & curl!!!!
I never let my hair air dry - it looks like crap and takes too long time to style, plus I need more product.

If I use a blow dryer and flat iron, it takes about an hour.

I am curious if anyone knows if damaged hair takes longer or shorter to air dry. My hair is damaged, dry and coloured and takes about 2 hours to air dry.

i think it really depends on how long my hair is. when it's pst my shoulders, i'd say an hour to get it completely dry. but now that it's shorter, about half an hour. but usually i'll wait until my hair's almost dry to finish it with some blowdrying.

probably 3-4 hours - if I put it up in a bun/pony tail when wet, it could take all day and night.

It is so humid here that I can wash my hair in the morning and fgo to bed and it will still be damp the next morning.I do have long hair but it always stays really wet at the roots.

If I air dry my hair it would take a few hours I guess. Im not too sure because when i air dry i usually put it up in a bun. My hair is almost waist length and very thick. I almost 99% of the time blow dry it.

id say mine takes a good 2 hours if down but if bunned it will still be damp at bedtime! my hair is very thick though so maybe this is why!
