How long does it take your hair to air-dry? forums

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This is funny because I have no idea...I never ever air-dry my hair, it would look crazy if I did.

My hair is literally still damp 9 hours after taking a shower. Florida humidity doesn't exactly help...

I very rarely go without blow drying it because of this...

about an hour or so. sometimes less, sometimes more. i usually shower at night so most of the time i go to sleep with damp hair and wake up with dry hair.

i acutally never had a hair dryer until i got bangs in dec of this past year (so from like early highschool till last year [im 23] i never used it unless someone at a salon did my hair. but i did straighten a ton).

i feel bad though cause ive used it several times to dry my hair.

Originally Posted by Labrat81 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I think about 6-7 hours or so, depending on the humidity. I have long, really thick hair. If I wash it in the morning before work (say 6:30am) it's not usually completely dry until after lunch (1:30pm). Same. In the summer it takes less time.
If I'm indoors, like all day. Seriously and outdoors, probably 3 hours, if it's already kinda dry. It looks really stupid natural on me, btw.

I have really long thick hair so it takes forever to air dry. I took a shower this morning before 10 and my hair is still not completely dry and it's almost 8.

My hair is weird. Its long and fine but lots of it. So if its just loose with no product in it, it will be dry in 1 hour not even.

Loose with gel or whatever in it, it will take half a day, at least 12 hours to completly dry.

If I braid it with no products or little product, and take the braids out a day or 2 later, they will still be damp.

It probably takes my hair about an hour and half to two hours for it to completely dry. I miss my long hair when I had it last year. If I didn't get a perm and cut last October and then another cut in March, my hair would be to my butt. Oh how I wish I never got it cut. Even with it being the length that it was it still only took about 2 hours for it to be completely dry.

Um, if I'm lucky it'll be dry by the late afternoon if I wash it in the morning! Back when my hair was to my waist I would wash it before school, put it in a bun, and when I woke up the NEXT morning it would still be damp! Humidity in Houston ROCKS. :p

UM, about 45 minutes. usually not that long. The back is still fairly short, so that can dry before I even get my makeup done.

Originally Posted by MissElaine /img/forum/go_quote.gif Back when my hair was to my waist I would wash it before school, put it in a bun, and when I woke up the NEXT morning it would still be damp! :p That's what I do too and it's still damp the following morning even though my hair only reaches the middle of my back. And I hate using a hairdryer.
It takes my hair about an hour to become completely dry. I'd want to take the easy way out and just resort to blow drying, but it's supposed to damage the hair really badly if you do blowdry regularly.

it takes me about 2 hours...

wich is kinda suprising cause i have super thin hair, that is not even shoulder length.

i think it is cause the ends are super damaged so they just hold onto that moisture for ever
