your hair looks the same. but the texture, porosity, exact pigmentation makeup and some other factors i cant think of off the top of my head will make a big diffrence.
dying hair is kinda like a color wheel hair has an undertone, (if you have a warm, or caramel color hair it will be red or orange, conversly if you have ashy, or cold it will be a blue or green undertone) the point is that if you have a lot of the red pigmentation to your hair it will be harder for the hair dresser to get there, not imposible just a little more work.
also porosity makes a big diffrence. jessica albas hair may be extremely absorbant of the bleach and change color quickly. your hair may be stuborn and resistant to color. again this does not mean it is imposible just means that you will to bleach it a few more times.
your best bet if you really want to know more is go for a consultation with the stylist with the photo. she will explain what she will do and why she will do it and what her expected results will be. she will also tell you if she thinks it will take more than one visit. and this will let you knw if this is something you want to truley go through with.