Highlights, freaking out, sorry long

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Apr 2, 2005
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About a month ago I had highlights put in my color-treated hair. When I was making the appointment, I specifically asked my stylist if I could color over the highlights with Clairol Natural Instincts and was told "sure."

The highlights came out so light, they were practically white. I had another appointment, so I couldn't stay and have them darkened. In my mind I was thinking, this looks so poor, I'll just color over them this weekend. As I was leaving, my stylist said "oh, by the way, if you use your regular haircolor on these, they'll turn pink." She denied ever telling me I could use CInnaberry Natural Instincts on them.

A week later, I ended up back in the shop, having the highlights toned down to a carmel-y color...still hate them, but they were a bit better. I wouldn't let my stylist touch me until she answered my question "will I be able to color over the highlights once they had been toned down." It took her a bit to understand that I wanted the highlights gone, I didn't care how much they had cost, they were a HUGE mistake that I wanted gone and NO, I did not want her to color my hair for me. In the end she told me I could color over everything using my regualr haircolor.

A couple of weeks later I went to the beach for a week. I figured I'd color when I got back. My hair was covered 90% of the time, but not while I was inthe water...max a 1/2 hour a day. Some of the highlights reverted to the very light whitish-blonde.

I returned her call to re-schedule my next appointment and asked to speak with her, 3 days ago, she's yet to call back.

OK...my question? Can I still color over these damn things? Or will some of my hair turn pink?

It'd be difficult to do a strand test without screwing up my hairstyle. But I'll do it if I have to.


That sounds miserable
. No professional should leave a client like that!!!

I don't have an answer for you but I can feel your pain!

Hmmm... I want to say yes, but I'm no professional. The same thing has happened to me in a round-about way. My mom didn't listen to me about separating highlights from the rest of my hair. Needless to say what was suppose to be blonde and red, ended up being pink, orange, red and blonde! I ended up having to recolor my hair the next day all over with red, and it helped somewhat. I think it might depend on how long you leave the color in, as well as what shade of red it is. Hopefully Janelle has a much better answer than me (as I would believe since she's the guru)!

It depends... if they are really light, they would probably need a filler first - to avoid unwanted results & to help hold color longer... Honestly, I would just go to another salon. They probably lightened up from oxidation, so thats why its hard to say what your result would be if you just colored over them. You could go very dark, and they should lighten up a bit... but for the initial color, I'd still see a colorist. Just not THAT one!

Be careful...it seems like you have done an awful lot of highlighting/toning down/colouring. You are going to damage your hair.

I do not know what colour the rest of your hair is, but if I had white blonde highlights, I would either dye just the white blonde highlights a dark chocolate colour, or just dye your whole head a dark chocolate colour.

With dyeing your whole head, where the white blonde originally was, the dark chocolate will fade to a caramel colour, and the rest of your hair will be dark chocolate. Your hair will look like a delicious dessert.

The one thing your stylist was probably right about is that if you dye your highlights cinnaberry, when they start to fade they will be pink.

Wow something like that happened to me. This time I went to a stylist and I also wanted

some highlights. He told me that he will use a new technique he just learned to apply my highlights for a better result. The POS ended up bleaching all my hair. I was soo depressed after that. My depression lasted for 4 months. My hair was very long and healthy. I ended up cutting it to my shoulders because it was sooooo dry after that.

I ended up dying my hair to a dark brown (espresso like color). It didn’t turn pink.

I also used olive oil. It helped me a lot too. Take some olive oil and put it in the microwave for like 5 secs just to warm it up a little bit. Put it on your hair for 30 to 45 mins and wash it. You have to do this at least once a week. I really do recommend it.

After 4 months I noticed the results.

Thanks for all your suggestions and support. My hair is a dark auburn right now and going darker is no way and option, I've got very pale skin. Plus, I hate my hair brown.

I'll be going to another stylist with my tale....definately NOT that stylist. My esthetician is at the same salon/spa and my curent stylists best friend, so I'll be looking for a new esthetician.

If anyone has suggestions for specific stylists and or esthticians at a spa/salon in Braintree, Quincy, Dedham, Canton or MIlton Massachusetts, I'd love to have them. BTW, Boston is NOT and option as I've yet to find anyone in there who was worth the price, or the attitude. (As in you-are-damn-lucky-I-am-dealing-with-you-you-peon-and-I-will-do exactly-as-I-please-so-don't-bother -me)

I went to see a colorist and she told me I'd have no problems using my own color at this point. She didn't have time to trim my ends, but set me up with someone who did. That stylist and I had a long talk, discussed a grow-out plan and then she trimmed my ends.

I colored my hair yesterday and it came out great!

Thanks again for all your support!


Meg that is great. I'm happy that at the end everything worked out just fine...

You should post some pics of your hair now...

What an ordeal! I would definitely find a new stylist. You will probably be able to get away with using a caramel hair color like Natural Instincts Hot Cocoa or Gingerbread since they have caramel/bronze tones that will complement your red color nicely. Cinnaberry might turn pink because the highlights are so light. Keep us updated.


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