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Jan 16, 2013
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I am in love with make-up. There, I said it. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Every penny of my allowance when I was a child went to buying cosmetics.

Every penny of babysitting money I earned went to beauty items.

And even though I have my own bills to pay now, I still set aside a bit of money to try out new beauty items. Right now, I am more focused on skincare and switching over to "natural/organic/clean" cosmetics. I have always paid very careful attention to what I use on my skin, and I am loving the challenge of finding new products to use that have less chemicals but are just as effective.

I'm also addicted to subscription boxes, and I know I am in good company here!

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We hope you have a fun time here, get answers to any questions, and find some beauty inspirations. Please don't hesitate to private message me or other the moderators if you need something.


I'm bakie :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> didnt want to start a new thread since its all the same..I love cooking and make up,and this website is perfect for me. Looking forward to meeting new friends with similar thoughts..Good day !

Welcome aboard! May the pours be without you.

...Okay, that was corny. How about... "We are new, lipstick together and post our hearts out!"...

Uh oh, my bad pun side is coming out....quick, concealer!....

Okay, I am bad at this. D:...

Just welcome. :3
