Hi, i'm a newbie from Ireland!! r/o

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May 6, 2004
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Any of you guys joined MUA? Thats where ive been for the last 5 months & only found this site by accident.. Its almost identical to MUA so i said i'd join up

Hey! Happy Makeup'ing! Thanks for joinin' up! We love our new users and want to extend a warm welcome!

Originally Posted by laura127

Any of you guys joined MUA? Thats where ive been for the last 5 months & only found this site by accident.. Its almost identical to MUA so i said i'd join up

Hi Laura!

So glad you joined us, welcome aboard!

Most of my family is in Ireland, mostly Dublin and Sutton.

You'll really love this board, everyone here is awesome and extreamly laidback. A nice change from MUA. A few of us are familiar with that site but feel more at home here. I hope you think so too!

Originally Posted by laura127 Any of you guys joined MUA? Thats where ive been for the last 5 months & only found this site by accident.. Its almost identical to MUA so i said i'd join up
Originally Posted by laura127 Any of you guys joined MUA? Thats where ive been for the last 5 months & only found this site by accident.. Its almost identical to MUA so i said i'd join up
Hi Laura..Welcome!I'm very familiar with MUA(I'm aligirl on MUA)I've been a member there for almost 4yrs..Much less dramatic over here in our little corner of the net
Glad you found us
Originally Posted by laura127 Any of you guys joined MUA? Thats where ive been for the last 5 months & only found this site by accident.. Its almost identical to MUA so i said i'd join up
Welcome Laura! I recogzed you right away - I always see you posting at MUA!

I have to agree, both the sites serve similar purposes, but there's a lot less drama and a lot of friendliness over here that I haven't been able to find in my search for a fun message board. I hope you'll enjoy it here as well!

I'm Kage_sCupotea over there, as well.

Take care, and welcome again!


Well, NOW i feel REAL welcome!!! Looking forward to swapping & chatting here with you girls.. Just gotta get a hang of using these boards -LOL!! Must go add items to my swap list & wishlist now coz i cant wait to start swapping with everyone

I got a QUESTION about swap lists.. Some of the items i have for swap are not listed in the swap section.. What should i do.. List it under another name??? TIA

Originally Posted by laura127

I got a QUESTION about swap lists.. Some of the items i have for swap are not listed in the swap section.. What should i do.. List it under another name??? TIA

Hi Laura, did you mean some "BRANDS" are not there? If you don't see a brand, go ahead and request it by clicking on "add brand"

If you don't see a "sub category" (eyes - eyliners, lips - lipsticks etc) then shoot me an email and I can add them (tony@REMOVETHIStonysdesigns.com) or Private message me.

Originally Posted by laura127

Any of you guys joined MUA? Thats where ive been for the last 5 months & only found this site by accident.. Its almost identical to MUA so i said i'd join up

WOW Laura, I just checked out your swap editor and all of your swaps. You are a MODEL swapper! I'm Tony, one of the main backend programmers here on MuT...and I just wanted to say that the way you have set up your swap page is AWESOME. Good job and alot of users should check yours out to see "HOW" to set up a swap page. Our swap section is relatively NEW, so don't be discouraged if you don't get many people requesting.........
Remember, swaps are purged after 90 days.

Again.......Great job!

Thanks Tony! Its dead easy to create when all the buttons are there!! I'm short on swap items at the mo coz as i said before i was swapping on MUA for the last 6months & ive done over 40 swaps so my stash fro swapping is low at the mo! So, how long have ye been around? Its a brill site, love the layout! I only came across it by accident in google. Ye should optimize it more for search engines.

Ya, thats what i meant.. I figured out i could recommend brands then after posting this!! Sorry for annoying you -LOL!!

PS, i get an email every time someone answers my post, is there a way to switch this off coz i dont want my inbox getting flooded. TIA

Originally Posted by Tinydancer Hi Laura! So glad you joined us, welcome aboard!

Most of my family is in Ireland, mostly Dublin and Sutton.

You'll really love this board, everyone here is awesome and extreamly laidback. A nice change from MUA. A few of us are familiar with that site but feel more at home here. I hope you think so too!

REALLY?? Dublin is about a 4/5 hour drive for me but if you ever come over to Cork, Ireland for a visit, give me a bell & i can give you guided tour (of all the make up places!!!)
Originally Posted by allisong Hi Laura..Welcome!I'm very familiar with MUA(I'm aligirl on MUA)I've been a member there for almost 4yrs..Much less dramatic over here in our little corner of the net
Glad you found us Oh HI aligirl
How are things? Did you get caught up in the Salsabelle hype?? Any hauls?
Originally Posted by Kage_sCupotea Welcome Laura! I recogzed you right away - I always see you posting at MUA!

I have to agree, both the sites serve similar purposes, but there's a lot less drama and a lot of friendliness over here that I haven't been able to find in my search for a fun message board. I hope you'll enjoy it here as well!

I'm Kage_sCupotea over there, as well.

Take care, and welcome again!


I get a bit carried away with posting alright!! My work is BLOCKING all make up sites from our PC's soon, think its coz of me
Oh well, i can always post when im at home in the evenings

Well, GREAT! Really nice to have you hanging out here. MakeupTalk has only been up and running since Sept '03. This has been a large project with many facets. It's been fun project managing it. I have to admit, I have learned alot about MAC and Sephora!! LOL
. We have many super wonderful girls here who are part of the family..............oops team(moderators/admins) and we just love them

Can I ask, what's a "brill" site? I'm not up on the latest Irish jargon

Thanks for compliments on our aesthetics. That was a GIGANTIC priority to us.

Optimize for search engines? Can you tell me why you say that? We currently use the services of a subsidiary of AR Websolutions, INC....called www.Go-Submit.com.

Thanks again!

Originally Posted by laura127

Thanks Tony! Its dead easy to create when all the buttons are there!! I'm short on swap items at the mo coz as i said before i was swapping on MUA for the last 6months & ive done over 40 swaps so my stash fro swapping is low at the mo!
So, how long have ye been around? Its a brill site, love the layout! I only came across it by accident in google. Ye should optimize it more for search engines.

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Well, GREAT! Really nice to have you hanging out here. MakeupTalk has only been up and running since Sept '03. This has been a large project with many facets. It's been fun project managing it. I have to admit, I have learned alot about MAC and Sephora!! LOL
. We have many super wonderful girls here who are part of the family..............oops team(moderators/admins) and we just love them

Can I ask, what's a "brill" site? I'm not up on the latest Irish jargon

Thanks for compliments on our aesthetics. That was a GIGANTIC priority to us.

Optimize for search engines? Can you tell me why you say that? We currently use the services of a subsidiary of AR Websolutions, INC....called www.Go-Submit.com.

Thanks again!

LOL!! Brill is short for brilliant/fabulous etc.. All of my typing has turned to short hand since posting on the internet, email, texting on mobile phones!!
Ok, im not quite sure how to explain the optimization for search engines. I work in an IT company in sales. But we do web design as one of our services and i started doing a small bit of design..

Sorry, there i go rambling again! Basically, our IT guy told me to optimize it well in google, i should include all words you want to be found under on the page name (which i see ye've done already) & also in dreamweaver (thats how i created my site) there is a place where you can add "keywords" which increases the sites for optimization.. I'm sure the company ye deal with knows that already. I just suppose "make-up" is a hard word to come up top in search engines because there are so many other make-up companies, stores, websites etc..

Eh, sorry if none of that made sense.. I just said id mention it coz this is such a great site & it deserves to be seen/used on a larger level

Get what im saying??

Thanks for this bit of info
It's nice to see users out there with some knowledge and so willing to help! LOVE IT!


Ok, im not quite sure how to explain the optimization for search engines. I work in an IT company in sales. But we do web design as one of our services and i started doing a small bit of design.. Well only one website. Its a site for a local sports club where i live..
Sorry, there i go rambling again! Basically, our IT guy told me to optimize it well in google, i should include all words you want to be found under on the page name (which i see ye've done already)

Unfortunatly Google is a strange entity, and is difficult to follow, etc......... as we know Google keywordings/backlinking/ranking info. We are all the SAME company, MakeupTalk, www.GO-Submit.com, www.kidsdirect.net etc. All under one umbrella of AR Websolutions, Inc. Here is our design site: www.TonysDesigns.com. We do hundreds of designs all the time
and we are seasoned programmers etc.

Originally Posted by laura127

LOL!! Brill is short for brilliant/fabulous etc.. All of my typing has turned to short hand since posting on the internet, email, texting on mobile phones!!
& also in dreamweaver (thats how i created my site) there is a place where you can add "keywords" which increases the sites for optimization.. I'm sure the company ye deal with knows that already. I just suppose "make-up" is a hard word to come up top in search engines because there are so many other make-up companies, stores, websites etc..

Eh, sorry if none of that made sense.. I just said id mention it coz this is such a great site & it deserves to be seen/used on a larger level

Get what im saying??

Originally Posted by laura127 Ya, thats what i meant.. I figured out i could recommend brands then after posting this!! Sorry for annoying you -LOL!!
PS, i get an email every time someone answers my post, is there a way to switch this off coz i dont want my inbox getting flooded. TIA

Hi Laura!
I believe you can go under "User CP" (control panel) on the top left of the page, and then you'll see:

"Login and privacy"

"Messaging and Notification"

Then...Under "Messaging and notification" you'll see:

"Receive Email"

"Default Subscription Mode"

Then...Go under "Default Description Mode," and change your notifications from:

None, Instant, Daily, Weekly.

Hope that helps!



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