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Jul 11, 2012
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My name is Amelia and I'm sort of new here or at least I never introduced myself like this. I do makeup and I love it. I have a sideline business in makeup artistry so I can have extra cash of my own when I go to school. 

I look something like this on a normal day

and I look something like this on a not so normal day

I love meeting new people, being strange and doing makeup. I love colours and things that are unique. I have a strange addiction to halloween makeup and gore. I hope to someday be well recognized with my makeup and I hope to improve in all the areas that I can.

Here are some looks in a nutshell :

Hope you enjoy my looks and replies ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> . I know I will enjoy it here :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hi Amelia, welcome to MUT!! Show off your looks in the FOTD threads, there you can share with us all your daily looks!!  I look forward to seeing what you come up with!!  Enjoy MUT!!

Some of the most popular parts of MakeupTalk are:

Welcome to Makeup Talk, where we welcome all shapes, sizes, colors and genders. First thing, please read our Terms of Service. Next go visit your profile (top of the page) and fill out some information about yourself so we can get to know you. Then go take a stroll through our forum filled with beautiful goodies and helpful information.

Do you like makeup tutorials? Go check out our section filled with Makeup Tutorials and Videos. Love to join in group discussions? Come browse the groups and find which one interests you most... maybe all of them!

Most of all, we hope you have a fun time here and find answers to any and all questions  you may have.
