Hey Everyone :D

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Dec 19, 2012
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Hey everyone :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

here is a little intro about me off my website;

TonyArts was created when I used to be a web designer ever since then it has stuck with me, I first started to do hair in 2010 when I studied it at Newcastle College for a year and studied Wella. I then went to be advanced apprentice at Saks and trained with them for my level 3 over six months but I was working with them for over a year and studiedL'oreal Professional products/colours . I then moved over to Austrilia and worked for Volona & Assciates for three months where I did a few Redken courses and Hair up courses. I then decided to come back to the UK and start a career in session work where I have worked with the likes of Charis Talbot (Photographer for Pearl & Swine shoots) & Jade Turnbull(Model/ Photographer for Di Alta Classe).

I then started to do make up from January 2013 with the help of a very talented lady Marta Lewandowska, from Febuary I then went onto doing Media, Photography and Fashion Make up at Newcastle College.

If you have any questions about product knowledge for l'oreal or redken just ask :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Edit: Links deleted per Terms of Service.

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