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Unfortunately, nothing other than plastic surgery will get rid of wrinkles, they are caused by genetics and sun damage, and all you can do is maybe make them look less severe. And remember, tanning is the dumbest thing you can do if you are the least bit worried about aging your skin, so wear sunscreen all the time, especially when using aha's, they make your skin even more sensitive! I heard Neutrogena’s anti-wrinkle cream is GREAT. I’m gonna purchase it soon. You can find it at Wal-Mart. There are plenty of good moisturizers at the stores you mentioned - I just don't think they correct wrinkles that are already there. Good luck!

Im glad to know I'm not alone here...  Throughout my life (even my teenage years) I have always had a good complexion.  I mean, here and there I'd get a little breakout, but nothing to write home about.  For the most part, my adolescence was smooth sailing as far as my skin went...   I have talked about this with a few other women around my age (35-55) and we all came up with the idea that it may be a biological/hormonal change that occurs for women at this particular age.  There also may be a stress factor as we have a lot more to worry about and be responsible for than we did back then.   For my 40th birthday, my mom bought me a bottle of Made from Earth's Vitamin Enhanced Face Firming Serum, and after a few weeks, people were commenting that I looked less tired.  They even asked if I lost weight, been exercising or on vacation!    Since it works gradually over a few weeks, you notice a bit of difference yourself, but the people who don't see you that often really notice a dramatic change. Smaller wrinkles are smoothed out and disappear completely, while large ones get smaller. 

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