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Aug 11, 2007
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I've been trying to recreate this Sarah Michelle Geller updo for ages and I haven't got it yet.

I found some instructions on that say this:

STEP 3: Part hair on the side and start twisting in the direction away from your face. Start at the top front of the head and add more hair from each side of the existing hair as you twist back, until all the hair in front of your ear is pulled back. Connect the twists in the back of the head, and then the remaining hair can be pulled up into a messy twisted bun.

Twists? What the hell? I don't get what they mean by twists, do I do two sections and twist them together or do I do lots of little ones and twist them together as I go along?

I'm confused...

it looks like you're adding to each side like a french braid as you're twisting. you'll have to space them out though or you'll just end up with one big twisty roll going back.

It looks like you are adding hair as you twist in sections... lol, it's a lovely style but twisting hasn't always been a strong point of mine.

twisting is something that you need someone to show you how to do it... it does not at all translate well in writing. You tak two part of hair and twist with your finger one way while twisting both together the other way... make sense? nope... but it does when you see someone do it.

you can also do it with three strands which i found hold's better... if you go on you tube and look up rope braid you will find tutorials i am sure.

also if you google braiding tutorials there is something called a lace braid that looks like that that is made to co across the head like that


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