help me please! - hair dye situation - many thanks to those who can shed some light towards this topic! :) forums

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Jan 11, 2013
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okay hi guys, 

my problem recently has been hair colour please help me sort it all out! here is how the story is:

so i am a natural dirty blonde, and the first time i ever dyed my hair - i dyed it red.. then i got made fun of because after a month or two it went ginger. i attempted to use colour b4 extra to get it back to its normal state it did not work at then i dyed it a dark cherry brown/dark brown. a few months on ( now ) it is a light brown but when i step into light - bright gingerorange. all i want now is to go back to my original dirty blonde - my roots are now coming through underneath my fringe, people say the hair colour looks nice but i dislike it. is there anyway anyone can help please if there are any products people can recommend or anything that would be a great help.

many thanks - hopefully someone can shed some light on this topic.

thank you :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 


So I have naturally dirty blonde hair too. A couple years ago I decided to try some DARK brown demi-permanent hair color that was supposed to wash out in like 20 washes or whatever. Well that totally didn't happen. It stayed pretty dark no matter how many times I washed it. My roots were growing in and they made it look like my natural hair color was grey. I'm only 23! so that was a disaster.

I started to go back to my natural color by getting highlights that were close to my natural color. This helped a bit, but my roots were definitely still very noticeable, and since I have long hair, I knew I wouldn't be able to wait to grow them out.

So I ended up using a blonde dye that was as close as I could find to my natural hair color just to get all my hair the same color. Once my roots starting growing in again after that, they were much less noticeable, but not good enough for the perfectionist that I am.

This is when I discovered semi-permanent hair colors. These are dyes that aren't permanent, and most importantly don't have any lifting power. This means they won't effect your roots as you grow them out. They are also much much less damaging than any other dyes BUT since they aren't permanent, most of the color does wash out after a few weeks. However, I found that the color would never COMPLETELY washed out of my hair. I think this was because my hair was so porous from all that lightening.

I started experimenting with a few different colors, until I was barely able to tell the difference between my dyed hair and my roots. I would start with a color a few shades darker than what I actually wanted and would wait a couple weeks to see what it looked like after it was mostly washed out. I don't remember how long it took for me to get it right, but the good news is  that I do know I haven't had to use ANY type of dye on my hair in over a year now. No one, not even my hair stylist can tell where my regrowth starts! It is awesome. I love not having to worry about dying and having my natural hair color back.

So if I were you, I would start by dying your whole head close to your natural color. Then let your roots grow out for as long as you can stand. Then go pick out a semi-permanent hair color a shade or two darker than your roots. They sell a few different semi-permanent brands at Sally's. I used the Clairol Beautiful collection. I always left the dye on a little longer than the directions called for too. It will take time to figure out what works for you, but it will totally be worth it when you find a match and can go back to being a beautiful natural blonde!

I hope this helps! Sorry for the long post. I just had so much to say.

thank you so much! this has been such a help its just so stressful because i dyed my hair when i was 12 like 4 times and i turned 13 this december so I've been getting loads of horrible comments about my hair but i will certainly take your advice into account thank you ever so much! have a great start to 2013! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
