Help! Haircut Backfired on me! forums

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Jun 10, 2005
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OK, everyone! I need some help/suggestions! As you may recall, I got my hair cut about a month ago. Pictures of the "after" can be found at this link:

Anyway, long story short, at first I liked it but almost immediately, I felt like my hair was looking "frizzer, drier" than it was before the cut (which is not good! When you are growing your hair and you finally submit to a trim because you know it is good for your hair, you want it to look healthier, not drier!). Anyway, she cut long layers into my hair when wet, which was fine. After she blew it dry, she then went in with scissors (not a razor) and did all this "detail work". Well, detail work must suck because I think that is what did me and my hair in! I think that is what has made my hair look frizzy, with some of the ends not being able to lay flat and straight like they did before the cut.

Obviously, there is not much I can do to fix this (unless someone knows of something?). I can't go get my hair all chopped off now, just so I can fix this. I am still committed to giving the "growing my hair out" until at least the summer before going back to my safe, classic bob. So until I can go back to my old hairdresser and get another trim (which I am guessing I should not do for a while) is there anything you can think of to make my hair look better?

Has anyone had any experience with this cutting on dry hair? Truth be told, it probably does not look as bad as I am making it out to be, but my hair just looks less healthy than before and I know it is because of that stupid scissoring thing.

Ideas???? :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Thanks everyone!

I am using Biolage Conditioning Balm, which is supposed to be great!

I guess I will have to resort to this, even though I was trying to minimize my use of I know why they invented these serums!

so she used scissors to texturize the ends and thin them out?

i love matrix biolage conditioning balm but aveda sap moss is good too it isnt as heavy as the biolage but it will smooth the flyaways/frizz

Yeah. I told her that I never want anyone to use a razor on my hair again because it made my hair looked so damaged. She said what she was doing was "different" because it was destroying or shredding the hair shaft. Well, now, I am not sure I would agree. I have fine hair (but a lot of it) and I just don't think my hair can take that kind of stuff. Course, she should have known that by looking at my hair. When she was done, she said "If you don't like the results of this dry scissor technique, just let me know and we don't have to do it next time". Well, it's a little too late if the damage is done, don't ya think?

I mean it was NOT destroying the hair shaft.

my hair stylist sometimes cut my hair when its dry too. only to make sure that i get the length that i want.

I suggest using a really good conditioner and leaving it in for a LONG time in the shower like 5 mintues. or using a deep conditioner on your ends only but running a blow dryer on it for 10 minutes to make sure the conditioner gets into your hair.

condition. When i cut my hair short it appeared to be frizzier bu in reality it was just bigger because it had poof since it had so much cut off

Yeah, she went in and layered after it was dry to make sure the placement was right. My stylist does this all the time and I have very fine hair, but a whole lot of it, like you do. I think the reason you feel it looks damaged is because of the multiple layers and because on fine, straight hair, especially if it air dries, a lot of those ends will not dry totally sleek. I find it dries sleeker if I wash my hair and night and let it dry overnight (I have my hair laying above my head on the pillow, as straight as possible). The only other way to combat the multi-directional ends, as far as I know, is to heat style, either with a dryer or with a flatiron after your hair is dry.

Well, I never let my hair air dry, I always blow dry. And I am pretty skilled at getting it straight with a blowdryer and round brush and have never had any problems other than with this particualr cut. I mean, she spent a LOT of time doing this dry cutting along the length of many, many hairs. Just not a good technique for the kind of hair I have.

A hairdresser did a scissor texturizing technique on me, too, back in July 2006 & it really messed my hair up. It took 6 months to grow it out of that mess, and then when I went in for a haircut on 12/30/2006, the incompetent seriously damaged my hair all over by using a flat-iron that was too hot on it. This will no doubt take me at least 2 years to fix. So, in a nutshell, I feel your pain & it will probably take about 6 months for all of that crap to grow out - your mess that is).

Nowadays, hairdressers can't seem to help but do all of these fancy schmancy texturizing things to their clients hair. My hair does NOT respond well to that, and I find myself having to fight with hairdressers and I am getting pretty fed up with it. I know what I want when I walk in, just do what I tell you to do and what I am PAYING you to do.

mix olive oil and conditioner. put it on your hair dry or moist not wahsed though, wrap a small towel thats soaked in hot water then a dry towel around. leave it in for about 20 mins. that should calm down the frizz

im one of those people who dont like texturizeing either with razor or scissors it makes my hair look thin and the ends look split.. i think that type of cut can work for people who either have too much weight or who gets there ends trim often like 4-6 weeks.. when trying to grow out your hair you should only get it trim every 3 months and only get 1/2 inch taken off so you dont cut all the new growth off. next time you get your hair cut/trim tell them you want the ends blunt with no texturizeing at all even if you get layers you want it blunt.. i dont know how deeply she texturized it but if you trim it often it will look better after 3-4 trims, you can keep useing the conditioning balm but switch to something not as heavy every few days cause to much moisture can make it poofy.

Good advice, thanks! Yes, when I go back to my old stylist for my next cut, he knows that my hair needs to be blunt! Oh well, learned my lesson.

Today, my hair actually looks a bit better. Deep conditioned with this French Vitamin mask that seemed to work great! Then, before blow drying, I used ArTec Smoothing Serum and overall, I can live with the way my hair looks now, a bit healthier. Which is good, seeing that I just got my hair cut 3 weeks ago and am not ready to face the scissors again quite yet!

It sounds like she "razored" your hair with the scissors? I can't have my hair cut this way. It makes it look frizzy ans it becomes impossible to style. i always ask for them to point cut it. That way I get nice layers without the frizz. You just have to stay commited to growing it out. Wait a couple of months, then get a tiny trim to fix the "frizzy" ends that she did.

Dry hair cutting is very important! If a hair stylist doesnt dry your hair and THEN finish the hair cut, your hair cut isn't finished at all! That is how I was taught at my cosmetology school. The only thing I am thinking could have made your hair more frizzy is that she removed so much weight that your hair is no longer heavy and weighed down. But I guess I should look at the pic's before making any assumptions. Good luck.

Well, ladies, I just bit the bullet and took care of the situation. I chopped my hair off! I decided to go back to my classic bob, and even though I went to someone new and I don't love the cut, it looks so much better on me.

My hair just does not look good long and takes so much work. I feel much younger and sexier with shorter hair. Next time, I will go to someone with more experience, and maybe go with a longer version (right now it is chin length), but overall, a blunt, classic bob is my "thing" :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Thanks for all the suggestions, though! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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