Have you ever asked a guy out?

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I've never asked a guy out. I thought about asking my current boyfriend out but everytime I got up the nerve I chickened out so I just waited for him to ask. I'm just too shy

I did it but I don't think I would ever do it again because it really didn't pay off.

There was this guy at university whom I had liked very much for quite some time, but he was really shy and reserved so I plucked up all my courage and asked him to go to the movies. I did it all the time, over and and over again, and he always agreed but never initiated any date. We had a great time but it still came to nothing because even after 6 months of this, he still wouldn't go further than a peck on the cheek. I then never contacted him again and he never called me of his own either. Some time later I wrote him a letter asking him what had been wrong, whether he wasn't that into me or whether I had acted weird or anything. His response? He was too shy to try and do anything of his own accord and thought I didn't like him that much ... Huh?? After I had asked him out again and again for half a year?? Men can be so stupid and I have learned my lesson.

So nowadays, iff he doesn't like me enough to ask me out, I will certainly not do it for him, no matter how much I like him.

Originally Posted by empericalbeauty /img/forum/go_quote.gif I am afraid of rejection so no. I dont enjoy the feeling of wanting to jump off a bridge. lol^^no i havent ask a guy out but dont feel theres anything wrong with it though, most of my attractions have been friends though so it was easy to just hang out.

Well the guy that I asked, me and him had a convo last night. He contacted me, I was very surprised cuz I totally thought he rejected me but I guess not. So we'll see where it goes. Hopefully it works out!!!!

Never done it, but I see nothing wrong with it. I actually think that guys prefer it.

Yeah I did, to my husband before we got married. He was like one of those shy guy and I don't wanna wait forever just to wait him to ask me out haha. It was only a JOKE after all but he took it seriously lmao. Now I'm in love with him for 8 years.

I don't really see anything wrong with asking a guy out.

I don't think there's anything wrong with askin a guy out but I haven't/wouldn't do it ... I'd feel real funny doin it and I do know that most guys like the chase anyway even if they deny it lol ... it makes them work for what they want

I have, and don't recall too much about it. Hell, obviously I have no fear, because I asked John to marry me LOL! He kept trying to postpone the inevitable, and I wasn't having it...

I have never asked a man for a date, but now that I am single again, ( widow ) I may have too, if I can get over my skittishness. Fifty - Nine years old and skittish what I poor example am I. Love - Beyonce

Originally Posted by NYchic /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well the guy that I asked, me and him had a convo last night. He contacted me, I was very surprised cuz I totally thought he rejected me but I guess not. So we'll see where it goes. Hopefully it works out!!!! Yay! I hope it works out for you.

Anyway, I've never asked a guy out, I'm too shy.

Wow. Yesterday, long story short, there's a guy a work that I'm totally diggin'. I've been having problem with my car and he's been helping, will come get me at lunch to look under the hood etc. Well I wasn't here yesterday as my is in the shop. I was talking to my co-worker, yes she knows I have a lil' crush and told her to give him my home number. Well needless to say he didn't call me. And I haven't seen him today at all, he usually comes by our office 3-4 times daily. So now I feel like a *******. My co-worker said she didn't have a chance to give him my number but something tells me something else transpired. Oh well, two more days till Friday and a 3-day weekend :/

Originally Posted by jacquelyna /img/forum/go_quote.gif Yay! I hope it works out for you.

Anyway, I've never asked a guy out, I'm too shy.

Awwwww you're so cute. I am somewhat shy myself but I was like I have to do this so I can STOP thinking about this guy. It was driving me crazy now I don't think about him much anymore and my feelings have somehow decreased.
And no it did not work out. You know that line "He's just not that into you." Well that's what happened with me. I don't think he is that interested, he texts me sometimes out of the blue and 1 time he wanted to see me late night. I said no cuz I had just gotten home. And then he is like oh maybe we will hang this weekend but he never makes plans. So I let him go. If he contacts me again, I will prolly just ignore him. I mean it's been 3 weeks since I asked him, you think I would have seen him by now? But no haven't seen him so I am thinking he is NOT interested at all. Any feedback? What do you guys think?

I am sad, back when I liked him, I like loved him and he just seemed like a great person. Oh well/ I always fall hard

I dont see anything wrong with it but I personaly have never done it. I sort of have this strange belief that if the guy doesnt ask you out or ask you for your number hes not interested. Although I sort of also know this isnt true, as proven by some of the girls right here!

I might do it at some point in my life....but I havent yet lol....Im not really brave

I say, do it! I think its hot when a girl has the confidence to approach me and or ask me out ...

Just because you approach a guy doesn't make you cheap, slutty or a skank. How you present yourself, act and speak reflect that.

I honestly think a lot of women do not approach men because out of fear. As someone said earlier ... How do you think we (men) feel about doing it? Remember that the next time a guy approaches you.

I would be very flattered if a girl asked me out. I am usually too shy myself to make the first move unless I know her really well.


My SO was shy and was worried in case I didn't like him that way. I got fed up with dropping hints and just asked him over one night. We've been together over 3 years now and are engaged.

It does work! I hate the mentality that a girl shouldn't ask a guy out, that if he's worth it he'll ask you. Well, I thought he was worth it. That's why I asked him. I've been sent horrible messages on another site when I mentioned this. Basically told I was a whore for asking him out, that I'd made it "too easy" for him and we wouldn't last. Wahtever.

I loved your post Sirvinya! I agree 100%. Like I said in my post earlier, approaching a guy doesn’t make you “easy or cheap†… it is how you act and carry yourself that determines that.

I guess I kinda asked my boyfriend out not to date but just to chill. I met him on the highway so we exchanged numbers and started hanging out


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