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Nov 27, 2006
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Okay, so i was pretty stupid and bleached my hair twice in two days.

So basicly i will have to cut it off.

only problem is i have never had my hair shorter then chin length so, i was wondering, if anyone could give me some sugestions for short hair cuts.

the two attatched pictures show my face shape, and the aproximate lenght of my hair...

my current hair color is bleached white...

so any help would be great

So do you have to take everything off? or just above the chin?

I tried looking for pics and these were the only two I liked, hopefully this helps :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

k so i just thought i would post so people knew

i got my hair cut short

its longer in the front then back

i would say closest to the first picture jdepp put up

any way my hair dresser gave me this amazing stuff from kerestase that has been making my hair get a lot better really fast

You have such a pretty face that it wouldn't matter how short you cut will look great!!! Not everyone (like myself) can rock short hair but i think you definitely can!!!

I like these:

why would you have to xut your hair since you got it bleeched twice? is it because of the color? or because the chemicals damaged it? i color my hair, and sometimes when i dont like the way it turns out i'll get a better color and do it the next day.

cause of the damage

i had it bleached..

Then two months later i bleached it again

then two days after that i did it again

so my hair was completely fried


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