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Dec 27, 2006
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Does anyone have good advice on how to get your hair to grow? (no shampoos or conditoners) My hair seems to be staying at one length now and when I was younger it was almost to my behind. Now it is long but it wont grown pass my bra.

Do you trim it regularly while growing it out? Just checking as some people do, and its supposedly recommended by hairstylists as well. But in my experience, there are two problems with this method. Problem 1 is if you go for monthly trims (which is the suggested time frame when trimming hair regularly), then it would be logical to say that instead of your hair getting longer, it gets shorter right(?) because hair grows slowly and if they take an inch off, then not only would the newly growth length be trimmed off, your previous hair length would be shortened by abit as well.

Problem 2 would be you ask the hairstylist to trim an inch or even half inch, but they ALWAYS trim more. I can never understand why its that hard to just follow what we asked for.

Anyway, back to your original question... My tip would be to not trim your hair while growing it out. My hair is nearly touching my bum now when I put it straight down my back, and I've only trimmed it twice in the past 17 months (yep, that's nearly one and half year) I've tried to grow it out. And hair really does take a looong time to grow. My original length wasn't even short hair, I already had hair nearly touching my bra hook, so you can see how long it takes to grow- 17 months for hair to grow from bra hook length to near the bum length. I would say just not to trim and keep your chin up, in time to come, your hair will grow longer, but it will take quite a long while though.

To add on to what the last poster said; you really should get your hair trimmed every 8 weeks unless you plan on taking AMAZING care on it... or if you just have really healthy hair naturally.

A trim does not mean taking an inch off your hair. A trim means you cut off all the dead ends, which actually increases growth for awhile.

Hair will grow at a fairly constant rate, provided it's healthy and well looked after. The 100 strokes a night is a wive's tale. Brush your hair as little as possible, preferably with a wide toothed comb to get atrocious snarls out. Wash it once or twice a week, otherwise you're just stripping your hair of natural oils.

Before you go to bed, spray it with some kind of leave-in conditioner.

I've heard that when you shampoo or condition your hair in the shower, you should massage your scalp as improved blood flow will increase the growing rate of your hair. I don't know how much validity is in that statement, but it can't hurt! Not to mention, you could always coerce a loved one into giving you a spine-tingling head massage

Men aren't the only ones bothered by hair loss: In a recent survey, more than half the respondents clicked on "thinning hair" as their number-one concern. "As you get older, your part becomes a little wider, or you may notice thinning along the hairline," says Jennifer Linder, M.D., a dermatologist in Scottsdale, AZ.

Stress can also lead to hair loss: Sudden physical or emotional traumas, like a death in the family, may signal the hair follicles to enter a resting phase. Around three months later, that hair will fall out. Although seeing more strands in the shower drain can be alarming, rest assured that your locks should return to normal growth within a few months — provided the source of your stress is gone. Fortunately, most hair loss in women is treatable (once you've ruled out underlying health issues with your doctor).

The first line of attack is often Women's Rogaine ($25 for a one-month supply, drugstores), which is FDA-approved for regrowing hair. "You can get it at almost any pharmacy, and it works for most women," says Dr. Linder. The only catch: Rogaine is not a cure; you have to keep using it. The FDA is currently reviewing study data on a much pricier option for women: HairMax LaserComb ($545, stimulates the follicle with light energy; it already has FDA clearance for increasing hair growth in men.

Source - MSN Shopping

I second what Speedy said, silica is fantastic for your connective tissues. (hair,skin,nails) it helps strengthen all 3 and will aid in hair growth. Also if your hair has reached a certain length and won't continue to grow, I suggest getting a good trim, getting your hair trimmed every 8 -10 weeks really makes a difference to the condition of your hair.

Honestly I am in the same boat as you are and I don't have any advice. I heard that getting trims do not help grow out hair and it is just a myth.

All I know is that hair grows faster in the summer than in the winter and I am just waiting for my hair to grow. My advice would be to wash your hair every other day, not put a lot of products in your hair, take vitamins and let time do the rest.

Good Luck!

I've read B vitamins, betacarotene and a protein-rich diet helps with hair growth. Also, always comb bottom up, section by section, to avoid breakages.

I do know of one shampoo and conditioner line that works fantastic and quick, but you said you did not want to use a shampoo and conditioner. So, all I can say is that your best bet is to start taking Silica gel. But be warned, everyone has a pre-determined growth cycle, if your hair has never been longer then what it currently is, then chances are unfortunetly it just wont get any longer.

Originally Posted by HairEgo /img/forum/go_quote.gif I do know of one shampoo and conditioner line that works fantastic and quick, but you said you did not want to use a shampoo and conditioner. So, all I can say is that your best bet is to start taking Silica gel. But be warned, everyone has a pre-determined growth cycle, if your hair has never been longer then what it currently is, then chances are unfortunetly it just wont get any longer. hey, i know this is an older post but i'd like to know what shampoo you're talking about? any drugstore recs? thanks

Originally Posted by 4getmeNot /img/forum/go_quote.gif hey, i know this is an older post but i'd like to know what shampoo you're talking about? any drugstore recs? thanks
It's called F.A.S.T. By Nisim

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