Green Grab Bag - August forums

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May 3, 2012
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I received my Green Grab Bag yesterday.  It had:

  • 2 foil packets of Green Tea Skin natural Anti-Aging Cream
  • a small jar of Selma Valentine whipped Body Butter
  • a small bottle of Emtage Hair SILKtage Rejuvenating Serum
  • a small bottle of Moody Sisters Organic Eye Cream (this almost looks curdled and smells like the ingredients went bad---anyone else's like that?  It also leaked oil all over the bottom of the bag)
  • a nice sized sample bar of Tierra Mia Organics Raw Goat's Milk Soap
  • a small jar of Scrubz Natural Skin Lipz Shea Butter Lip Balm
They used to have so much makeup in the GGB!  I am glad I cancelled because I don't have much use for all the skincare items they put in there now.  I wrote them an email expressing my disappointment for the items, and they basically gave me a free month (which was nice of them).  The free month bag didn't wow me so I decided to stay cancelled.  I was hoping this one would improve, but ackk, unless you are really into skincare, this one just isnt for me. 

Originally Posted by PaulaG /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I received my Green Grab Bag yesterday.  It had:

  • 2 foil packets of Green Tea Skin natural Anti-Aging Cream
  • a small jar of Selma Valentine whipped Body Butter
  • a small bottle of Emtage Hair SILKtage Rejuvenating Serum
  • a small bottle of Moody Sisters Organic Eye Cream (this almost looks curdled and smells like the ingredients went bad---anyone else's like that?  It also leaked oil all over the bottom of the bag)
  • a nice sized sample bar of Tierra Mia Organics Raw Goat's Milk Soap
  • a small jar of Scrubz Natural Skin Lipz Shea Butter Lip Balm
Wow, I am so glad I canceled after the first bag I got on this one, that was June when they were sending out the separated pieces of sets and an item that they were reusing from their mothers day giveaway. It seems like they are sliding downhill fast. And they sent out another lip product, I think they have sent one out every month, who actually uses that much lip balm, lol.

This was definitely a disappointing bag :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> tiny foil packets and curdled eye cream. I loved when they had makeup (one month there was a full size Revoltuon Oragnics lip gloss and another month a full size Vapour Oragnics color stick). I'm gonna hold out and hope for improvement. I think they're replacing my eye cream but I'm kinda skeptical that it'll be received in better condition this time around. I do appreciate them trying to rectify the situation, regardless though. At least shows they're trying

... And they sent out another lip product, I think they have sent one out every month, who actually uses that much lip balm, lol.
Lol I was thinking the same thing, I'm going to cancel. I tried going all natural with skincare and cosmetics. Not working for me, espeicially with skincare, it's actually breaking my skin out.
My eye cream leaked, too, so the other items were slippery, which makes me wonder whether any of them were contaminated.  And, the bag had an oil stain on it so I can't re-use it.  However, they did put the hair serum in a little ziplock, so that was good.

The first eight months or so of Green Grab Bag were awesome.  They had a nice mix of products, many of them from well known organic cosmetic and body care companies.  The last three months before this month were not as much to my taste, but still o.k.  But, this month, even if the eye cream wouldn't have leaked, I would not have been pleased by it.  It was kind of blah - several kinds of lotions and a bar of soap.  No color, no fragrances, no fun.

In the past, when the Green Grab Bag would arrive, I would open my mailbox and a cloud of fragrance would come out.  I loved that.  Then, I would try to sniff the cracks in the box to see if I could identify the scent and guess what the product was.  Then, I would cut open the box and the smell would be stronger and I would dip my hand into the green paper shreds and start pulling things out.  They would be interesting things, and varied and random things, but definitely the variety made the bag worth the money, partly just for the fun of it.  I have learned to love at least a dozen organic company's products because of GGB.  But, not so much any more.  Sad face.

I agree, the qualify of the bags are definitely going downhill fast - curdled eye cream?  Geesh!  I would not be happy!  The sample sizes seemed to get smaller and smaller too.   When I e-mailed them, they seemed to really value my opinion and wanted me to at least go away with a positive view of the company (hence a free bag offer).  I'll still be watching though to see if it improves.  The first 3 bags I got had at least 2-3 makeup items, but then they bags would decline until eventually they were just all skincare items.  I do like organic skincare but when it's not even tailored to me (was sent a face cream / serum / face wash for extremely dry / mature skin one month) but my skin is very oily / not mature so I couldn't even use it and that was 1/2 of the bag. lol.  Hope people express their dislike for the current bags so maybe they'll improve.  Some people though just don't know what else is out there as far as sample boxes so they'll praise the living daylights out of the box no matter what.
