Good Black Hair Dye for A.A. natural hair? forums

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Aug 5, 2005
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Hey gals and gents,

can anyone recommend a really good store brand hair color that'll take my brown, dyed blond, hair to jet black? And leave it healthy as possible? My roots are way overdue to be dyed and I've been itching to do black for a year now:) hair is au naturale - no chemicals except for the color that's in now and it's been about 2 months or more since I dyed it last. thanks a bunch!


Use garnier or Loreal, they're the best out of the store brands in my opinion

hey ladies! thanks for the suggestions, i am looking for a permanent color - are all these permanent?

I personally would never use a black dye - it often turns out blue black and nothing can lift it (had a few friends with some horror stories). If you go for a dark brown it ususally looks black - most of the time the shade turns out 2-3 shades darker than it looks on the box - this is just my opinion though!!

My hair is naturally black, well the ones that haven't lost their pigmentation that is. :scared: I dyed my hair two weeks ago with Garnier's Sweet Cola. It's labeled as a soft black, but it has somewhat of a red hue to it. I really like it.

I dont know a whole lot about box kits but I do know the products that I sell at Sally's. With black you can use a 10 volume developer, which is fairly gentle on your hair. Clairol Complements has the most natural blacks that I have seen yet. You should check that out.

Try Garnier Nutriese Creme hair colour in Blue Black.I just did mine yesterday and quite satisfied with it.When u shower or shampoo your hair for the next few days, u will have remainescence flowing frm ur colour. Previously i did brown highlites n it had faded n made my hair looks like dry n brittle.Will post a pic of my new blue black hair tonite :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Okie here's my pic ( Dun mid those messy clothes behind me lolz!) I did the colouring at the saloon ( i bought the kit n asked the hairstylist to do it n she did big curls at the end after blow dry.Normal times, my hair is straight

miss leah, i wish i had a suggestion for you! our hair tends to be so weak sometimes. i thought maybe try the shade you want in a rinse or semi-perm formula before going permanent (just to be sure the shade is right for you). i did have some of the ladies here recommend bigen, a water based color you can get at the beauty supply. i haven't tried it yet, though! let us know what you decide and how you liked the result. my last permanent color experience didn't go so well, so i'm still looking for a cure! lol~

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I don't mean to discount the suggestion April... I know you meant well. But that $h!t almost burned of the strand I tested it on!

I use "Bigen". I don't naturally have jet black hair, but I do like to liven it up with augmented color. Their shade "Oriental Black" should get you to wear to you want to be. They have very nice crisp colors. It was the only dye I could use on top of my henna-based color without problems, and it's very gentle too.


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