Originally Posted by satojoko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If this was mixed with a larger amount of burdock *and* dandelion root, it actually *would* work to clear skin up. Dandelion root in a decocted form is fabulous, powerful stuff which really does help reduce/eliminate acne breakouts. Unfortunately, due to the Canadian government's stupid, archaic 'laws' on health products, I can no longer get it here and must order from the US from iherb.com in bulk. Yet crack is readily available, go figger.....It's still cheap - the dandelion *not* the crack - but there is the extra cost of shipping which really peeves me, plus the fact that if customs decides to root around in my boxes, they will likely seize it. I gave a friend of mine a bag of it for the first time last year and he has been using it to help his symptoms from having hepatitis c for many years. He claims he always feels significantly better when drinking it and immediately feels worse when he runs out. It works by helping flush out/stimulate the liver, reducing toxins in the body, so it doesn't surprise me. Works very fast too.