Fyrinnae Rice Powder Primer..yay or nay?

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Dec 28, 2006
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There is the link for it, curious if anyone has tried it? I HATE liquid primers, and if this one turns out to work I'll be sooooo thrilled! It's only $7.00

Edit: Just noticed it's only been up since the 28th...I might be the first tester depending on when they re-open the site!

Well, it was only put on the site a couple of days ago and since they're backed up with the orders, no one has probably tried it yet.

Yeah, I noticed *after* I made the thread, hehe.

I might try it out and see how it works...it's only $7, you know? I don't usually even need a primer, so it'll be interesting to see the different...I don't know much about powder primers at all actually (I *hate* creams/liquids on my face since I started using MMU), but since they're already a mineral company I'm hoping that it'll work for MMU you know?

Please give us an update if you decide to try this. I was interested in buying this too but for now the AN oil control powder is helping my oilies and making my MMU last. But $7.00 is pretty cheap to just give it a try.

:-O How often do they 'close' ? Last time I filled my cart with e/l and I don't remember what else, they were closed too, so I ditched my cart when nobody was looking.

I'll have to look at that, though I have enough powder to make my own...just not the get up and go :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

They don't close very often. But this the second time recently they have. The first one was, I think, to build up a large stock of their new collection as they expected quite a few orders. I don't think they expected quite as many as they did get! They should be open again in a few days, once they've caught up.
