Foreigners! How do you think US elections will affect your country? forums

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Jan 17, 2006
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Since US elections affect everyone in the world, as it being the election of the most powerful president of the world, how do you think it'll affect your country? If the republicans continue, or if the democrats win, do you think there's a perspective of change in the way your country establishes a relationship with USA?

That's an excellent question, Lia! I'd love to hear people's answers!

difficult to say. first thing, most people here don't understand much to US elections because they're different from our country. but i think we hope it means some change. we all have our opinions, but here the current president isn't really much appreciated.

First of all I have to say that Austria´s president doesn´t have much power, he is mainly there to represent our country and not much more. That´s why we freely criticize presidents of other countries.

Since the popularity of the US has drastically decreased with the last president I think the US image can only get better and that will have a positive effects on the US foreign politics.

Difficult question. I'm following the US elections b/c they will affect the world in some way. Really hope for a big change, we all need peace.

I agree with the peace part. I think that, no matter who wins, the external politics towards Brazil won't change much - i don't expect that suddenly someone will 'open the doors' to Brazilian products - but i think that depending on the winner, the alcohol consumption (as a fuel) will be stimulated, which is good for Brazil and for the environment as well.

Did you know that almost all the cars on Brazil are now flex fuel - meaning they can take up to 100% of ethanol as fuel, or any percentage in the middle (gasoline and ethanol)?

I am a American expat here in Japan, and the Japanese look to the USA for security from China. If you look at Asian relations, people are nervous. China is consuming more resources like oil,natural gas, and steel. They are getting double digit growth since the Clinton Administration gave them most favored status. So they may soon challenge India, Japan, and Australia for the oil and gas fields in the pacific.

Originally Posted by Sincity28 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I am a American expat here in Japan, and the Japanese look to the USA for security from China. If you look at Asian relations, people are nervous. China is consuming more resources like oil,natural gas, and steel. They are getting double digit growth since the Clinton Administration gave them most favored status. So they may soon challenge India, Japan, and Australia for the oil and gas fields in the pacific. Good point, I think we'll have to face the fact in the next few years.

Originally Posted by Lia /img/forum/go_quote.gif Did you know that almost all the cars on Brazil are now flex fuel - meaning they can take up to 100% of ethanol as fuel, or any percentage in the middle (gasoline and ethanol)?

I knew it. It's VERY interesting, I wish they did the same here. But maybe too many economic interests are directly involved
Originally Posted by Sincity28 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I am a American expat here in Japan, and the Japanese look to the USA for security from China. If you look at Asian relations, people are nervous. China is consuming more resources like oil,natural gas, and steel. They are getting double digit growth since the Clinton Administration gave them most favored status. So they may soon challenge India, Japan, and Australia for the oil and gas fields in the pacific. i agree about that, because we have the same problem here with the eastern countries of Europ which recently got integrated in the EU. in comparison, it's cheaper to have factories there than in France for many companies and we have to fight hard to keep some here.
Originally Posted by magosienne /img/forum/go_quote.gif i agree about that, because we have the same problem here with the eastern countries of Europ which recently got integrated in the EU. in comparison, it's cheaper to have factories there than in France for many companies and we have to fight hard to keep some here. Obviously, we're exactly in the same situation here
I find the present President is to much for war, now he wants to take on Iran and Get other middle east countries involved. We have lost on all side enough of our young men and women to find a war that is turning out to be deja vue of the Vietnam war. I hope the next President things with his head not with his power. Sorry that my opinion.

I dislike the fact that the outcome of the election has such an effect on us, and we have no say in the outcome. I also hate that when somthing such as an election occurs, it interupts tv shows hahaha.....god I hate those "presidents adress" things....alway in the middle of good episodes of house

i would hate that too !! here's it's different as they can't "advertise" on tv or elsewhere. there's dedicated places for posters, and a week before any election we receive at home an enveloppe filled with the "programs" of each candidate. there's also organized face to face special shows on tv. the candidates also have blogs, but i never go read them. the comments are sometimes very extreme and sometimes also stupid, and i don't like much the propaganda the candidate him/herself can post on his/her blog because i hate being told what to do.

Originally Posted by Saja /img/forum/go_quote.gif I dislike the fact that the outcome of the election has such an effect on us, and we have no say in the outcome. I also hate that when somthing such as an election occurs, it interupts tv shows hahaha.....god I hate those "presidents adress" things....alway in the middle of good episodes of house
Lmao i agree with the elections interrupting good shows, who cares, i hate elections, i don't even vote, meh.
i don't like much voting either, but i still do it. i wanna believe that my vote can contribute, that the candidate i voted for may be elected because people like me decided to get their ass out of their bed and loose five minutes of their time. i think i also do it because i'm convinced as someone who wants to work for her country i have to show the example, no matter my doubts.

I have no idea really.. I'm more worried about the USA economy and how it will affect us.

Right now, our economy is doing quite well and our dollar is strong.

If the US does go into a recession, Canada's economy will certainly be affected negatively. Will the election divert a recession? Hopefully.

Our current Prime Minister Steven harper, is quite conservative. His ideologies are somewhat compatible with Bush's. So, I think he would prefer a Republican remain in the Whitehouse. However, he was elected in a minority election so he can't be as extreme as Bush or he'll probably lose the next election.

Personally, I would love to see the next President focus less on Foreign issues and more on Domestic ones. The US is so progressive but the health care system is horrible for those without insurance.

And the US educational system has been completely neglected. The elementary grades are failing the kids and post secondary education is too expensive - just like Canada.

Originally Posted by Carolyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif Right now, our economy is doing quite well and our dollar is strong.If the US does go into a recession, Canada's economy will certainly be affected negatively. Will the election divert a recession? Hopefully.

Our current Prime Minister Steven harper, is quite conservative. His ideologies are somewhat compatible with Bush's. So, I think he would prefer a Republican remain in the Whitehouse. However, he was elected in a minority election so he can't be as extreme as Bush or he'll probably lose the next election.

Personally, I would love to see the next President focus less on Foreign issues and more on Domestic ones. The US is so progressive but the health care system is horrible for those without insurance.

And the US educational system has been completely neglected. The elementary grades are failing the kids and post secondary education is too expensive - just like Canada.

Yeah I agree!
