For those with Afro-(curly/coily)textured hair forums

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hey MsStephanie i get that whole when r u gonna press/ relax ur hair too! but i dont care because im currently have a cool ,punky, messed up twist out and it looks great. if u ever get frustrated with ur hair just wrap it up and put a hat over it and dont even look at it until u actually start to miss ur hair. well at least thats what i do! its a good time to also shop around or make ur own earrings n accessories;thats my saving grace. GL! and dont forget how beautiful ur hair is.

Originally Posted by tfigueroa /img/forum/go_quote.gif hey MsStephanie i get that whole when r u gonna press/ relax ur hair too! but i dont care because im currently have a cool ,punky, messed up twist out and it looks great. if u ever get frustrated with ur hair just wrap it up and put a hat over it and dont even look at it until u actually start to miss ur hair. well at least thats what i do! its a good time to also shop around or make ur own earrings n accessories;thats my saving grace. GL! and dont forget how beautiful ur hair is.
I have bought so many scarves, necklace and earrings in the last 3 months its not funny! And lipgloss to go with them!
Its hard to find hats I have one that I love.

Yeah when I get bored or fustrated I plan to get it braided.

Originally Posted by MsStephanie /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hi
ladies I haven't been on here for a long time! I just wanted to jump in and join the conversation. I am now completely natural. I attempted to go natural 3 times and because I just didn't know how to deal with my hair I gave up and put a relaxer back into my hair. I grew it out to brastrap length and then allowed my friend-who just graduated from cosmo. school- to do it. The first touch up she used so much heat my hair broke severly, then the second touch up my hair came out in clumps
while she was washing it out. Thank God my hair and scalp weren't permanently damaged! So I decided to go natural, I researched the web and and books and got some what comfortable with a regimen. I laugh because I use to get murdered for getting my hair wet as a child and low and behold that is the thing my hair loves.... water...lots of it! Now I'm dealing with the when are you going to press it...blah blah blah. I feel so good just letting it do its own thing. I get so many complements and everyone likes it-even though they want to know when am I going to press it! My goal is to get to know my hair and to make it as healthy as possible. I can't wait to have a big puff!

I have type 4a hair with a bit of 4b and about five or more oddly placed 3c lol!

Currently my hair likes Panteen hydra curls after co washing with it I use Paul Mitchell leave in, spray 4 or 5 pumps of scurl no drip to my hand and the Fantasia IC gel the dark blue one-when I do a wash and go. And if I remembr I oil with castor oil or Wild Growth oil.

When I just goin' with the fro...I spray water all over it and then about 3 pumps to my hand of scurl no drip, a dab or so of proclaim activator gel...and fluff and but a scarf headband on. It makes a different culy look than my wash and go...

i just love your pic! you look so happy and that's what i love most about this liberation from hair worries! congrats and keep us posted about how things are going! there's another thread about african american hair that would might find helpful as well!

Originally Posted by Teresamachado /img/forum/go_quote.gif Holy sh*t I haven't heard of MISS KEY for a looooog time I remember the TV commercials......
I’m Dominican lol. I got to tell you Dominican hair products are great!

Teresamachado you have gorgeous looking hair. What is your secret?

Hello ladies, I'm new to the hair forum. My routine is wash hair and deep condition 1 a week. I use Tressame moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. As for the deep conditioner I use Queen Helena and run a wide tooth comb through my hair to get the knots and tangles out. I usually relax my hair every 3 to 6 months because I have very thick hair. I also use EVOO spray sheen and rub Suave daily hair leave in to keep it soft. I don't blow dry my hair so I let it air dry and then flat iron it. Usually flat iron it once a month because it takes about 1 hour and some change to straighten it out. I wear my hair up in a pony tail because I don't have time to fool with my hair due to having to care for my 18 month old daughter. I'm always looking to try new better products.


I've been hearing alot about Miss Key 10 en 1 and Silicon Mix. What would you recommend? I don't want to spend alot of money on both brands. My hair is dry and needs hair is like a sponge lol! Always looking for good shampoos/conditioners etc. I just relaxed my hair 2 1/2 weeks ago.

i'm pretty much using the no poo method and moisturizing day. if i do use shampoo at all it's once a month to clarify. i started using my ojon deep conditioner again to get some extra time before i texturize. when i first used it my hair was limp, but now it does a great job of controlling frizzies. i may be able to go another few weeks without too much shedding.

Originally Posted by monniej /img/forum/go_quote.gif i just love your pic! you look so happy and that's what i love most about this liberation from hair worries! congrats and keep us posted about how things are going! there's another thread about african american hair that would might find helpful as well!

It is libertating! Makes you feel so free! Thanks for the comment!
heyhey monie...whats up?

i tried two products and been consistent with my regimen and this worked of really well.

shampoo once a week with ors aloe shampoo and ors replenishing deep conditioner.

i always prepoo with oil (vatika oil adding castor oil when wanted)

and when done using the leave in from and the shea butter for my hair has thrived so much and im in love with the products.

unfortunately she doesnt ship anymore international so im on the search for another good leavein so im trying claudie's leave in.

Originally Posted by emih19 /img/forum/go_quote.gif heyhey monie...whats up?i tried two products and been consistent with my regimen and this worked of really well.

shampoo once a week with ors aloe shampoo and ors replenishing deep conditioner.

i always prepoo with oil (vatika oil adding castor oil when wanted)

and when done using the leave in from and the shea butter for my hair has thrived so much and im in love with the products.

unfortunately she doesnt ship anymore international so im on the search for another good leavein so im trying claudie's leave in.

hey miss emih19! doin' good and how are you? there are quite a few ladies using the ors products. i know carnivalbaby is for sure. i keep hearing about the castor oil and think i might try adding that to my deep conditioning sessions weekly.
this weekend i gave my hair a treat and made a paste with pantene prov, queen helene, burts bees grapefruit and sugar beet, and ojon. i slathered the paste all over, concentrating on the ends and sat under the heat cap for about 30 minutes. rinsed and platted my hair to clip my ends. i left it platted all day sunday. today it feels amazing, strong and shiney. i'm hoping i can avoid texturizing for at least another month. i'll keep you posted. tell me more about claudie's leave in! i'm still searching for a good one.

OMG you guys, I started using shampoo again, and I totally regret it. I cleaned out one of my bathroom cabinets, and I decided to use up a nearly-empty bottle of old shampoo my husband used to use. It had cones, sulfates and every other unmentionable in it's full glory.

Let me tell you, my scalp went wild with the itchies. So of course I scratched myself up, loosing both hair and skin, now I've got scabs.
And flakes that didn't used to be a problem before. Sorry, TMI, I know. I'm just so mad at myself for going back to that when there was nothing wrong with my CO-wash routine.

Do you have any suggestions as to what I can use to soothe this poor scalp of mine while it heals? Aloe vera did not help, nor did tea tree oil.

you know, maybe one of grace's coconut oil treatments might do the trick. they say it does great things for the hair & scalp! i've never tried it but i does sound like it would feel & smell amazing!

here's the shortcut to the coconut oil thread. they have some really good tips about using it on the hair.

well, i just went out on my lunch hour and picked up my coconut oil. it smells so good i could eat it right now! i'll be posting on the results after i deep condition this weekend! the one i purchased was harvest bay organic extra virgin coconut oil.

Natural Foods Merchandiser - November 2007

^ Thanks Monnie,

In fact I just received my Vatika coconut oil today, but I think I will also go get the unrefined version at a local ethnic market.

^^^Definately go for it! I've use Parachute Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Pure Coconut Oil and Vatika Oil and out of all the them the Virgin was the was the lightest and had the nicest smell, I will say that I did like the Parachute version for pre-poos as it's heavier and the Vatika makes my scalp tingle but I decided to cut back and just use VCO. HTH!

well, i couldn't wait until the weekend, being a product junkie and all. i used it this morning in the shower with my regular conditioner and i must say i'm super pleased! no frizzies, flyaways and my ends look and feel great. this one is definitley a keeper! thanks for the rec ladies!

well, by going through these threads i've discovered that i texturized some time around mid january. now it's mid march and i thinking about doing it again. not good. i mean it's good to have it growing so quickly, but bad that i want to do it so soon. i'm going to hold out this time. my goal is at least mid-april and possibly never if i can find keep my paste working! post anything you think will help. i'm open to all suggestions! thanks in advance!

Accelhairation Stimulating Scalp Elixir is an all natural scalp oil that's really good for growth and dandruff. I've been using it for a couple of weeks and am very pleased with my results. I found it on this site called I think the site for the oil is

Get yourselves some honey ladies. Add it to whatever con your using and whoa! It can lighten hair, so if you don't want that microwave the con for about 10 seconds. Moistres mama!

And why is it that even when I KNOW what products work well for my hair I continue to buy stuff? I have staples that work very well for me, but as soon as I go into a store any store, I make a B-line for the haircare products. I need a 24 step program. 12 just wouldn't do the job.

Originally Posted by yourleoqueen /img/forum/go_quote.gif Get yourselves some honey ladies. Add it to whatever con your using and whoa! It can lighten hair, so if you don't want that microwave the con for about 10 seconds. Moistres mama!
And why is it that even when I KNOW what products work well for my hair I continue to buy stuff? I have staples that work very well for me, but as soon as I go into a store any store, I make a B-line for the haircare products. I need a 24 step program. 12 just wouldn't do the job.

i hear you! i'm a bit of a product junky myself. thanks for the tip!
Hmmm...I have locs, so I dunno how useful this would be, but

My regimen:

Nexxus Therappe Shampoo & Humectante conditioner

Nexxus Humectante leave in conditioner

Suave Clarifying Shampoo & conditioner

Apple cider vinegar (deep clarifier)

Baking soda (neutralize the acid?)

Glycerine mixed in with

LOTS of distilled water and

Oils: olive, jojoba, rosemary, coconut

I bought a boar bristle brush, and I like how it made my locs a lil more fuzzy so they look a lil bit fuller

I'm trying to get that silky loc look... Still a work in progress, lol!

Very helpful! Alot of products and techniques that work for locs work well for both relaxed and natural hair. We all need moisture, right?

moisture seems to be the key no matter the style! the more i moisturize and condition the better my hair behaves.

Originally Posted by monniej /img/forum/go_quote.gif well, in light of my recent melt down i decided to be even more brave and go without my trusty cones today! i really need to make myself be ok with the true texture of my hair without the texturizer. the silicone gel i use was making my hair feel sleek and somewhat stiff on the ends, but not much help on the roots. i must say that i love my hair today! soft and touchable with a lot of freedom and movement! i think i could really get use to this and love it! "cones? i don't need no stinking cones!" lmao~ so, i'm posting my regime for today. with me, who knows? i could change it all tomorrow!

rinse and condition with pantene pro v for women of color

pat excess water from hair

big bad d's stretch cream as a leave in

naturally honey hairdress

naturally chamomile moisturizer

ouidad moisture gel

ha! what a wuss i am! i just can't take it when my roots get puffy. makes me feel and look like a helmet head! lol~ dark and lovely naturally texturizer to the rescue!
i checked out my regimine from february and i'm pretty much using the same products. i did switch the order and it seems to be working well! my hair is fast approaching bra strap length when wet. no shedding, no breakage!

still love my pantene woc daily (i leave a bit in because it works much better than any leave-in i've tried.)

naturally chamomile moisturizer

ors olive oil polisher (for shine)

john frieda silicone gel

ouidad moisture gel

big bad d's glass creme


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