Flakey, Smudgey mascara. Help!

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Feb 13, 2013
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Hi everyone, this is my first post so I apologise if this is in the wrong part of the forum. I just need a little help with my mascara. 

Anytime I wear mascara, I mean ANY TIME, I always look in the mirror an hour later and have a faint black smudge under my eye and lots of bits of flaked mascara.

I don't use cheap make up or mascara, at the moment I am using "Bad Gal Lash" by Benefit in the day at work, but for weekends or going out I use "Hypnose" by Lancome. I have also tried waterproof and it does the same. 

I have adjusted my under mascara routine as I do use rosehip oil as my facial moisturiser so my face is a tiny bit oily after I apply make up usually, but even if I put on a primer, concealer and then a powder under my eyes it still happens. 

This may sound silly, but I have pretty long lashes, so is this caused when I naturally blink throughout the day?

Ultimately, I want this to stop. Is it my choice of mascaras? Can anyone suggest a mascara that will not do this (preferably one available in the UK) or something I can do to stop this, a wonder product maybe?

Any help would be great!

Hi glasslion, I have the same problem as you with the black smudges under my eyes.  I think it's because my lashes are really long but straight, so everytime I blink they probably are touching my skin.  The smudges seem to get worse when I laugh or smile a lot too.

Out of the mascaras I have tried, I've found that Buxom mascara and Clinique High Impact mascara work the best for me.  Same as you, I use Lancome Hypnose to get a more dramatic look and it doesn't smudge TOO badly, but I've just gotten used to checking a mirror every so often and touching up as needed.

One thing I haven't tried yet but definitely plan to, is a mascara using tubing technology.  L'Oreal has one, and it sounds like Blinc is also a good one to try.  People seem to get good results with those. 

Oils break down mascaras and I've found that if I use one during the day, I will have smudging - no matter what I put over top of it.  A light eye cream seems to play so much nicer with my makeup during the day.  I also get smudging and flaking from any L'Oreal mascara (Lancome is owned by L'Oreal and many of their formulas are the same).  I have had the best luck with Maybelline mascaras.  I've tried sooooo many mascaras and I keep going back to Maybelline as they seem to perform the best for me and don't smudge or flake.  Keep trying different formulas and I'm sure you'll find one you like.  Good luck!

Thanks everyone, it's annoying that I can only use a few select mascaras. 

Nishino, I didn't know what this tube mascara was, after a google I was more clued up. I don't think theyre about in England yet, but hopefully it will be soon

And Wida, thanks for those suggestions, I think i'll head to the beauty counter later to try out some of your recommendations

I always had this problem ESP since my workplace is so hot and so my face gets oily fast causing the mascara to smudge. I've noticed on the days I curl my lashes and powder under my eyes, my mascara doesn't smudge.
