Fitbit One or Jawbone UP? forums

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Chic Geek
Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score
Anyone use either of these? Are they worth the money? What do you love/hate about them? Trying to decide if I want one or not (and which one). I do like that Fitbit synchs with Sparkpeople. Please share your experiences! Thanks!

I had Fitbit for almost a year until I accidently washed it and that killed it. 

I really can't think of anything I didn't like about it (besides not being waterproof) but I really loved it. It also syncs up well with which was really nice.

I have the Fitbit Zip which is their new less expensive model.  I love it!

I have the Fitbit Zip as well and absolutely love it!  It definitely gets me motivated to move more throughout the day.  I like that it does not only steps, but also calroies and distance too.  It's very small so I don't even notice that I wear it.  So far I have had no complaints!

I have the fitbit one and really like it. I spend a lot of time at my desk and tracking my steps/stairs really motivates me to move more! I debated between the fitbit and jawbone up but read the fitbit has a better accelerometer so I went with that. It is small so I'm afraid I may lose it!

I also have a fitbit zip! Very inexpensive and love the tiny size of it. I use it daily and have it synced with my fitness pal app.
