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Feb 27, 2006
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I was just reading from this site and wondered..

Does taking hair supplements make your hair grow faster?

try brushing ur hair with a natural bore bristle brush (scalp). it really works

I've took them before, but I couldn't really tell. Protein is what makes your hair grow, so I suppose if you got some protein filled supplements your hair would grow faster. Try massaging your scalp everyday for about 5 minutes (I do this in the shower) and always make sure to use a heat heat protector when using hot tools!

Over time they can help -- but you won't notice really any immediate or significant result

Originally Posted by kam_621 I've took them before, but I couldn't really tell. Protein is what makes your hair grow, so I suppose if you got some protein filled supplements your hair would grow faster. Try massaging your scalp everyday for about 5 minutes (I do this in the shower) and always make sure to use a heat heat protector when using hot tools! Interesting. My hair's been lacking protein for some time now. I did a really great protein treatment on the 30th. It came out very well. Now before that I hadn't done any. I was just moisturizing thinking my hair would be okay. But I was wrong. My question is: Would it be okay to do another deep conditioning today or tomorrow? I'm assuming that I'll be playing 'catch up' on the protein. What do u ladies think? TIA.
Off topic a little - but prenatal vitamins make your hair and nails grow faster and stronger! And you don;t have to be pregnant to take them lol!

There are some over the counter ones that you can buy - and sometimes the Dr. will prescribe them even if you aren't pregnant, because there are not side effects really.

I've heard that seakelp tablets do wonders for making your hair grow faster, but that its stops working after 3 or 4 months

I agree with the prenatal one's working well. Other than that I dunno. Best of luck though!

i think there are at home protein treatments you can use directly on your hair..with mayo, eggs, olive oil..? i'm not exactly sure of the recipe, but i used to do this all of the time.

it seeems that everybody says something different. i would imagine it would help, to

a certain degree, but thats it. i think that heredity plays into it, and how well you take care of yourself(diet etc..)

Taking supplements does make hair grow longer,I have been taking Vitamin E(cod liver oil) in conjunction with Folic acid capsules and Multivitamins and my hair did grow longer.

I have been using seakelp tablets (so weight reasons though) but i did notice a tiny difference but nothing major...but i have only taken them for a month so maybe they start to work later, plus the max u can take are 3 tabs a day and i only take 2..? hope that helps

I currently take biotin vitamins. They work great. If you have a problem with hair falling out in teh shower this helped me out a lot. I used to have a bunch of hair fall I have lik emaybe 2 hairs in teh shower. It's amazing. It has also made my nails harder too. I love them. Right now Puritans Pride (website) has all their vitamins on sale: buy 1 get 2 free. Maybe give it a try?
