Facial hair

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I had electrolosis done when I was about 16, on my face. I finally gave up after going for several months b/c it was so expensive and you had to keep having the same hairs done for it to work. PLus you have to let the hair grow like waxing, and that was a nightmare to try to cover that up every day. I think I have pretty much tried everything. Nair was the worst and most painful way for me. It burned like fire the instant I put it on, and I had chemical burns even though I washed it off the instant my face caught fire. Now I tweeze, shave, or use one of those epilators that pull all the hair out at one time.

Tweezing is so time consuming. What epilator do you use? I've been wanting to try one of these! I've also had electrolysis, laser, light pulse crap ... nothing works :-(

I have an Emjoi, I used to have a Remington, they work about the same. I also have a Remington one that is just for the face, but I cant find it, the ones made for legs and such work fine for me on my face.

Thanks! I couldnt decide whether to get one just for the legs and also use it on face, or to get one with special attachments for specific areas ... price difference isnt that great so i may just go for the latter. Hmm - ill look for those you suggested also tho :)

does/did your hair grow back fast and thicker with shaving or the epilator. i have this problems too, mostly around my ears down sides of my face.

waxing made me break out even after using the oil that came with it, i have done nair before, but since i use renova i dont think that would be a good idea to do again, however it did do wonders when i was going through thyroid issues, at getting off dead rough calloused skin.


nair for the face was an aweful experience for me, i got chemical burns and my hair grew back thicker!

My mom who's of chinese-japanese descent swears by shaving. She says this is the japanese (or is it the chinese) secret for porcelain smooth skin. she shaves her entire face, except her lips and eyebrows of course, twice a week using an old fashioned single blade razor. Her skin is amazing. Unfortunately mine isn't. My granny used to do the same. At least until her wrinkles got in the way. lol she's almost 90 and has almost zero face spots.

Since about a month ago, I started trying out shaving. My face does look smoother and spots seem to fade faster. Hmmm....

I totally agree with this. This has been my method, as well, since I hit puberty. I remember when it was first suggested to me, I felt kind of sheepish about it. My response was, "But only men shave their faces." Not so! It's cheap, effective and painless.

Yeah I know I do it when I am in a hurry. If I tweezed, it would take forever. The hair does not grow back thicker like people think. My grandma used to pluck all the hairs off her upper lip (ouch), my great grand mother singed her arm hairs on a stove to get rid of it, my mom told me she saw her do this several times. I used to bleach my arm hairs but my skin is so sensitive bleach gives me a rash. I used to shave them too. The women in my family have some kind of genetic thing, it isnt hormonal (I went to a child endocrinologist as a child when this all started), being blonde and fair people would never assume I had it, it gets worse with every generation. At least I take care of it, it would be pretty noticeable to have dark hair all over my face and other places.

My aunt in Europe swears by the stove method!!! I thought she was crazy but apparently she's not alone. She made me do it a few times but I couldn't stand the heat. Her arms are completely bare from doing this. I wish I had her tolerance for pain/heat.

I cringe at the thought of shaving facial hair (I think it's because it's synonmous with male hygiene for me) but perhaps I should try it. I don't always have time to go to my threading place and I will NOT wax it because I get zits so I need to try something else. Asian women do have gorgeous hair free skin. I never would have thought that it's due to a razor. lol

If you can't afford to get the treatments done that's expensive for removing facial hair, your best bet for the time being is to just try Nair facial hair products. They are available at any drug store. Good luck and hopefully you'll find something that works for you.

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