FabFitFun Spring 2014 Box *Spoilers*

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Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I would love to shop at Kohls more! Unforunately the closest one is an hour away, so it's an occasional thing for me!

I think the biggest problem with my wardrobe issues is that I live in a crappy small town with NOWHERE to shop...we have a Walmart and a very small Goodys (which has a few cute things, but I find those stores seem to think that anyone over a size 12 wants to dress like a grandma, so you really have to dig). So pretty much all of my shopping is online! And since I have a tight budget, I've been terrible about saying "well, I've made it this long with no clothes" and spending all my extra on makeup! I totally need to make it to Kohls to shop more. As is, I've been ordering most things from Target (I miss living near one) and Modcloth. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Oh, dang it!  My closest one used to be an hour away, but they recently opened up what I call The Plaza of Awesomeness (Kohl's, Ulta, Hobby Lobby, Dollar Tree, and a froyo place!) about 20 mins away.

I hope you do find some good online ordering places,  I also recommend saving up some $ for a shopping spree, and then hopefully if your schedule allows, take yourself on a nice day out to Kohl's and whatever other nice shops are in that area.  I like to recommend going on a weekday, because it's much less crowded, but of course you have to do what your schedule allows.  

And this is something I like to do for myself, but before I go shopping, I like to look through old episodes of What Not To Wear on Netflix, find someone with my general body shape, and watch that episode to remind myself of what I should and shouldn't buy.  I tend to be attracted to stuff with sequins and beads and glitter (oh my!), but watching WNTW helps me realize that I might need a plain navy blazer and some subtly patterned tops, too.  

And above all, don't discount sub boxes like FFF for fun accessories that you'd never buy for yourself!  The G+G scarf from the last box, the headwrap from this one - they're both awesome items to build a great outfit around!  Remember your accessories (and one final plug for Kohl's, mine has a great clearance section for jewelry, too!)

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I would love to shop at Kohls more! Unforunately the closest one is an hour away, so it's an occasional thing for me!

I think the biggest problem with my wardrobe issues is that I live in a crappy small town with NOWHERE to shop...we have a Walmart and a very small Goodys (which has a few cute things, but I find those stores seem to think that anyone over a size 12 wants to dress like a grandma, so you really have to dig). So pretty much all of my shopping is online! And since I have a tight budget, I've been terrible about saying "well, I've made it this long with no clothes" and spending all my extra on makeup! I totally need to make it to Kohls to shop more. As is, I've been ordering most things from Target (I miss living near one) and Modcloth. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Oh, dang it!  My closest one used to be an hour away, but they recently opened up what I call The Plaza of Awesomeness (Kohl's, Ulta, Hobby Lobby, Dollar Tree, and a froyo place!) about 20 mins away.

I hope you do find some good online ordering places,  I also recommend saving up some $ for a shopping spree, and then hopefully if your schedule allows, take yourself on a nice day out to Kohl's and whatever other nice shops are in that area.  I like to recommend going on a weekday, because it's much less crowded, but of course you have to do what your schedule allows.  

And this is something I like to do for myself, but before I go shopping, I like to look through old episodes of What Not To Wear on Netflix, find someone with my general body shape, and watch that episode to remind myself of what I should and shouldn't buy.  I tend to be attracted to stuff with sequins and beads and glitter (oh my!), but watching WNTW helps me realize that I might need a plain navy blazer and some subtly patterned tops, too.  

And above all, don't discount sub boxes like FFF for fun accessories that you'd never buy for yourself!  The G+G scarf from the last box, the headwrap from this one - they're both awesome items to build a great outfit around!  Remember your accessories (and one final plug for Kohl's, mine has a great clearance section for jewelry, too!)

Ooh, jealous...I'd kill to have an Ulta here, too!

I have lots of cute shops bookmarked (I've always browsed around for cute clothes, just rarely actually BOUGHT anything)...but now that I'm putting my foot down when it comes to my beauty stash (it's ridic) I am making myself redirect that money in that direction. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

I love What Not To Wear, and I watch it often! I do know a lot of the cuts/shapes that work on me, it's just a pain to not be able to try things on in person! My weight changes a lot, especially now that I'm on a weight loss mission. Of course, that makes me want to pace myself with shopping, becuase I don't want to buy a ton of nice things and then not be able to wear them for long! So for now I'm aiming for 2 outfits/dresses a month, for a while. 

I mostly prefer dresses, tights/leggings, and sweaters because pants are a pain for me due to the way I'm shaped (carry my weight in my belly, and I have a relatively flat butt...pants slide down so easily)...so that helps! It's much easier to find a dress that fits me well than pants, haha!

I'm pretty comfortable with accessories (I have a huge tub of scarves and two jewelry stands full of necklaces, bracelets, etc) and I always want to buy MORE MORE MORE...but it feels like such a waste right now since I have no cute clothes to wear them with! haha. 

At any rate, I'm sticking to my 2014 resolution to build a better wardrobe. I have a couple of dresses from Modcloth that should be delivered tomorrow! :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by EevieK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I used to be a size 16 and have now dropped to a size 10 (not that the caramel macchiato I'm drinking right now is helping that LOL). I totally get how frustrating it is! I used to hide under frumpy sweaters and baggy jeans, but I never felt like "me". I dunno what changed, but I started wearing clothes that fit my figure a bit better and started going for hikes (I tried yoga but my balance is just....). I took an acting class (I'm a singer, but acting petrifies me) and my confidence went through the roof. I guess what I'm saying is "WORK DEM CURVES, GURL." More or less. ;) /emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm totally one of those hippies that thinks everyone is a unique snowflake and should embrace who they are. You're a stunner and deserve nice clothes to match your nice scrubs!  Kohls has some cute stuff in a bunch of sizes. I think I've seen 00 to 28 there. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />
As someone who has attempted and dislike yoga as well...you might want to check this site out -http://www.blogilates.com/blog/2013/06/03/beginners-calendar-for-popsters-just-starting-out/

It's youtube workouts for beginner pilates.  I'm digging it so far and have never found a type yoga I liked.  

Quote:Originally Posted by kristab94 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

As someone who has attempted and dislike yoga as well...you might want to check this site out -http://www.blogilates.com/blog/2013/06/03/beginners-calendar-for-popsters-just-starting-out/


It's youtube workouts for beginner pilates.  I'm digging it so far and have never found a type yoga I liked.  

LOVE blogilates!!! She's super fun and pushes you without making you feel like a failure if you can't complete the moves. That's always where I start -- I've stuck with it and had some awesome abs thanks to this lady!
I caved and signed up for this box, I loved the headwrap spoiler! I used a $5 off code, kinda wish I would have done it last month when I had a $10 off coupon, but whateverrrr.

Here's hoping it's a great month. This is the most expensive box I have purchased, so fingers crossed. The nice thing is that it isn't montly. I feel like that is more manageable budget-wise to have it be every 3 months or so. Plus, that gives (or should give) them more time to really get good products in them.

Usually by this time in the game, $5 is the best discount out there. They sold out last season after they released spoiler #2..

Quote: Originally Posted by Shauna999 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Usually by this time in the game, $5 is the best discount out there. They sold out last season after they released spoiler #2..
Eek! I better get on it and order it then!

Quote:Originally Posted by kristab94 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

As someone who has attempted and dislike yoga as well...you might want to check this site out -http://www.blogilates.com/blog/2013/06/03/beginners-calendar-for-popsters-just-starting-out/


It's youtube workouts for beginner pilates.  I'm digging it so far and have never found a type yoga I liked.  

LOVE blogilates!!! She's super fun and pushes you without making you feel like a failure if you can't complete the moves. That's always where I start -- I've stuck with it and had some awesome abs thanks to this lady!
I love blogilates as well! Cassey is awesome!!! =D have to give a shout out to Karena and Katrina with Tone It Up too... I love them as well! =)
Quote: Originally Posted by MissKellyC /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I love blogilates as well! Cassey is awesome!!! =D have to give a shout out to Karena and Katrina with Tone It Up too... I love them as well! =)
Me too! Same reason -- they are fun but motivating! 

Ahhh...I'm still torn! Should I be buying this box? Do you ladies whom have subbed to FFF before feel it is worth it?
I'm trying to save up (moving soon) and want to make sure it's worth it. The head scarf alone has me making grabby hands, haha.

Quote: Originally Posted by kristab94 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  As someone who has attempted and dislike yoga as well...you might want to check this site out -http://www.blogilates.com/blog/2013/06/03/beginners-calendar-for-popsters-just-starting-out/

It's youtube workouts for beginner pilates.  I'm digging it so far and have never found a type yoga I liked.  
Ooh, this looks really interesting!

You ladies have me putting on my yoga pants again, I can't wait to try this out! :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by EevieK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ahhh...I'm still torn! Should I be buying this box? Do you ladies whom have subbed to FFF before feel it is worth it?
I'm trying to save up (moving soon) and want to make sure it's worth it. The head scarf alone has me making grabby hands, haha.

I've gotten all of the boxes since the first. Honestly, I think it is well worth it, I have liked every box, but each one has been better than the last! I think they do a better job of providing cool things than Popsugar, and if they were monthly I'd sub. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

They tend to have a fashion item/accessory in each box and then several beauty items, and then usually a snack or two or some random items. My favorite items have been a cute bird scarf, earbuds, the giving keys necklace, and skyn iceland eye cream. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've gotten all of the boxes since the first. Honestly, I think it is well worth it, I have liked every box, but each one has been better than the last! I think they do a better job of providing cool things than Popsugar, and if they were monthly I'd sub. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Thanks for the input! I've been pretty "mehhhh" on PS lately, but wanted something kinda similar to it...without the "meh" part, obviously. ;) /emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Annnnd I caved, haha. I closed my eyes and put in my card info. Well, I tried closing both eyes but ended up typing my card info in the address box. But one eye was closed in defiance! 

Any idea when these will definitely ship? Hoping to get them before my vacation - just itching to try out that cute headband. 

Love the spoiler--nice find. Even if I didn't like the print that much, I'd definitely wear it in the kitchen to keep hair off my face (and food). I'd feel like a 50s housewife or something. Great for travel too bc it's cute but doesn't take up much space. 

And yes, no cleansers!!! I did really love the one-time mask from the last box. Wouldn't mind another mask :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Love the spoiler--nice find. Even if I didn't like the print that much, I'd definitely wear it in the kitchen to keep hair off my face (and food). I'd feel like a 50s housewife or something. Great for travel too bc it's cute but doesn't take up much space. 

And yes, no cleansers!!! I did really love the one-time mask from the last box. Wouldn't mind another mask :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I've just kind of accepted that we might get a cleanser, since we've gotten one in every box so far I think?. Ahhhh. I still haven't even opened the bliss one, because I have so many I'm working through!

Which, a cleanser every 3 months is not unreasonable, it's just that I get them from a billion other sources, too, and I already have like 5 open. Not allowed to open any more until I use those up!


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