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May 12, 2004
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You see them in the health food stores ..and some often come with heavy price tags! Why not make them yourself:

Health food stores and specialty supermarkets carry infused oil in small vials. When buying infused oil, it is prudent to check to see if what you have in your hand is pure infused oil and not one that is diluted. Sometimes it is hard to find the infused oil you want and have to special order it. Infused oil is a little pricey to begin with and if you have to special order it, the price goes even higher.

Infused oils are always mixed with carriers which are oils that are mild and have no scent. This is because using infused oil at full strength can irritate your skin.

Making your own infused oil at home is not hard, just have to have some patience. You can use any herb or flowers to make infused oils, it just depends on your preference. Let’s say for the purpose of this project, you want to make mint infused oil. ( If you are using flowers, do not use petals that have been sprayed with pesticides, i.e., flowers from florists.)

What you need:

Organically grown mint or any other herb

A clean jar with a lid

Carrier oil: Sweet almond, jojoba, safflower (pick one)

The amount of mint you need will depend on the size of your clean jar. You will need a fresh batch of leaves everyday for the next week.

1. Crush the mint leaves with your hands and pack them loosely into the jar.

2. Pour the oil into the jar and fill it to cover the leaves. Cover tightly and set aside in a warm place.

3. Next day, strain the oil off the leaves and crush a new batch of leaves. Pack into the same jar with the strained oil. Top off with new oil, close the jar and set aside in a warm place for a day.

4. Repeat step three for the next five days. On the last day, pour into smaller bottles and label them carefully and refrigerate to extend its shelf life.

You can make your own perfume by adding about 15 drops of essential oil into a ½ ounce of vodka or Evercleer. Another thing you can do is to add 30 drops of infused oil to 8 ounces of your body lotion (unscented).

Very cool,Kim.Thanks for posting this:) This sounds like a good gift idea too:icon_chee

I really appreciate your information that you have provided but it is also a fact that the manufacturer of essential oils uses the traditional method to extract oils from the plant. They have the right experience to manufacture the pure and chemical free oil that can be used for skin or hair....The only risk that is associated with the essential oils that is prepared in home is the chemical composition. We don't know the exact composition of every essential oil and there is huge chances that we do something wrong that may harm our skin .....

This is super cool. I've been noticing that body sprays and perfumes have been irritating my nose lately so I was thinking that I could make some natural perfumes with essential oils but was really put off by the price of them. This is really helpful! Thanks!

Hi I found this firm '''Rivana LTD '' that specialize in manufuctaring of essential oils and base oils and so on...I tryied them and really enjoy them and most of  their prices are very competetive. Thus my quastion is how come their oils could be a lot cheaper than other firms lets say ''Young living'' and yet the quality is still the same. I ask them to provide me with a certificate of analysis and when compered there is little or no diffrence.

Here is there website:

Great info. For those of us that rather invest the money than time, who can recommend some good brands? Looking for a balance of quality and cost!

This is definitely something to try out, I love DIY beauty and experimenting with things at home. Sure, they don't always come out right first time, but homemade oils are far better than nothing especially if you have chosen to buy nothing because of price!!


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