EEK! My brother wrecked my mom´s car! forums

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UPDATE: I just talked him on the phone and he confessed that there was no deer. He just used that at a first minute excuse to kinda calm my parents down. I told him that mom isn´t really buying it anyway and it doesn´t matter anyway since he was speeding in the first place.

And he told me his friend in the passenger´s seat put on his seatbelt literally ONE minute before the accident!!!!! I know he usually doesn´t wear it, that guy is so stupid!

I´d say both of them learned their lesson good

Glad that nothing serious happened

Like i always say: and that's why the most expensive rate on car insurance is to cover male from 18 to 25 years old (18 is the legal age to drive here)

Glad to hear your brother and his friend are ok. Speeding and not wearing a seatbelt...bad thing! I hope they both learned their lesson from this accident.

Originally Posted by lia_matos /img/forum/go_quote.gif Glad that nothing serious happened
Like i always say: and that's why the most expensive rate on car insurance is to cover male from 18 to 25 years old (18 is the legal age to drive here)

18 is the legal driving age here as well. We have the same issue, most accidents are caused by young people who just got their license. My brother has had quite a lot of driving experience, but like I always say an accident can ALWAYS happen. Especially when you´re speeding.
My dad drives crazy fast and has gotten quite a few tickest, but since he´s a veterinarian he always uses the excuse he has to drive to do an emergency C-section on a cow or something. He never wears a seatbelt and always speeds....I always tell him to drive more safely, but some people just never listen! grr it makes me so mad

Especially if you´ve seen people come in the ER after they have been in an accident. Or during my pathology internship when I saw the dead people come in from accidents.

Originally Posted by Andi /img/forum/go_quote.gif 18 is the legal driving age here as well. We have the same issue, most accidents are caused by young people who just got their license. My brother has had quite a lot of driving experience, but like I always say an accident can ALWAYS happen. Especially when you´re speeding.
My dad drives crazy fast and has gotten quite a few tickest, but since he´s a veterinarian he always uses the excuse he has to drive to do an emergency C-section on a cow or something. He never wears a seatbelt and always speeds....I always tell him to drive more safely, but some people just never listen! grr it makes me so mad

Especially if you´ve seen people come in the ER after they have been in an accident. Or during my pathology internship when I saw the dead people come in from accidents.

Yeah i know that - and worse, they know that and still do the same bs
I have friends that always drive drunk and they're on med school and still don't care
Originally Posted by lia_matos /img/forum/go_quote.gif Yeah i know that - and worse, they know that and still do the same bs
I have friends that always drive drunk and they're on med school and still don't care
wow, driving drunk is the worst! My brother would have soo been in trouble with all of us if he was driving drunk, but I know him well enough to know he´s as responsible as I am when it comes to that.
ah brothers ! at least he's not hurt, but that's too bad for the car. my brother had his driving license in may and since then my parents told him he had to be extra careful with the car. so far he has been. my dad's been on many accidents due to his job, and some of the details he told us give me the creeps. i hope that's enough warning for my little bro.

Like i said to a friend (who think he's the sh** driving but i think he doesn't drive well - unless you think that drive well is to commit as many infractions as possible so he can arrive 5 minutes sooner) once - if you want to die, fine, but not with me in the car

Ah I knew there was no deer!

Especially when you said side damage... that would mean the deer hit them, not him hitting the deer (unless he was doing some crazy maneuver driving sideways or something)

But good thing he is ok!

thats terrible. I was driving to st louis airport with my mom and there were tons of deer on the road. It was terrible. Luckily I odnt have deer where i live.

Originally Posted by Aprill849 /img/forum/go_quote.gif That sucks really bad...but why wont they just go buy another car then, since the cost to repair is probably more than what it is worth? I was thinking the same thing.

First of all I am glad no one was hurt. Second, it might just be a wake up call to your brother to be more careful when driving. Speeding is dangerous and it can kill. He and everyone is lucky no one was hurt.


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