Thanks for this thread I have really dry lips too! They are already in bad shape and its not even winter yet. In winter my lips get sooo insanely dry Im not looking forward to it lol.
Although I havent found anything special yet, one thing I really like is Dermaglow Lip Exfoliator. It has Vitamin E and avocado oil in it but it has no yucky avocado taste
You just use your fingertip and it makes any excess dry skin flake right off. My lips are incredibly smooth after that but I dont use it often, I think I have a strange over exfoliating fear? You can find this stuff at the pharmacy.
Thanks for the recs though, I will be looking for shea butter and Aquaphor now too. I find all those chapsticks like Burt Bees, Blistex, any of those plain old things do nothing for me.
The Body Shop actually has a pretty good chapstick, it is one with hemp and salvia in it lol, it was suprisingly really moisturizing and I went through 3 tubes of it, but I stopped buying it because even though its pretty good its not good enough for my lips in the winter and it also looks like nothings on your lips, very plain
Last winter all I did was slather vaseline all over my lips almost every time before Id go out in the cold. I dont think it did anything maybe just kept my lips warm lol.
Sorry for long long post can anybody recommend a good shea butter product? Or am I supposed to get just pure shea butter? Sorry if thats a dumb question lol but Ive never used shea butter. Where do you get it??
One last thing, I drink ALOT of water everyday I always have a bottle with me lol, but it hasnt done anything for my lips