Dresscode-help for tonight please!!!!

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Mar 8, 2005
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Me and a few friends are going to this club tonight that´s different from places I have been to so far. I have a few hours to get dressed and dolled up, and they told me you have to go very "out there" with your styling as it´s a techno/gothic club or something.

The dresscode is

leather / latex

Burlesque / Pin-up

evening wear (as in gowns I think)

uniform (school girl outfits etc..damnit I´d love to dress up at that!)



The motto of tonight is "Porn.Industry"...so I´d imagine it´s not wrong to show some skin lol

I´m freaking out here...I don´t even have any fake lashes at the house and it´s too late to go buy any. I am afraid I`ll look all cute and innocent between all these other styled people, but I´d just really love to go cause it sounds like a fun new experience.

AND: on the website it says there are no event photographers tonight in respect to the guests, so ummm I think there might be some naked people there or something?

Hmm, sounds crazy and fun. I don't know what to tell you since I don't really know what's in your closet.

Wow! Sounds like it's going to be a crazy night!

Do you have a bustier or a corset? Definitely check out the "DTB: A Pornstar Doll" for makeup inspiration! And HAVE FUN!!!

Ok I think I`m gonna go for the pin up look..at least I´m gonna try. That´s really the only thing fitting in my closet

Dress: Forever 21 black babydoll with mega cleavage

Makeup: Black liner, dark red lips

Nails: bright red or black?? I´d think bright red to make as a contrast to the dress

Hair: very big, maybe I can put my blood read headband in

Jewelry: Black dangly earrings

Shoes: I have black peeptoes that would be perfect but I left them at home, so I will wear strappy gold high heels

Gosh I hope I can make this work, I´ll take pics whenever I done with my styling marathon

Originally Posted by StereoXGirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif Wow! Sounds like it's going to be a crazy night!
Do you have a bustier or a corset? Definitely check out the "DTB: A Pornstar Doll" for makeup inspiration! And HAVE FUN!!!

I do have a black corset...but I could only wear it with long black pants as I left my black dressy shorts at home.If I don´t like how the dress looks on me I will take the corset into consideration as plan B

The outfit you have planned sounds good. Just do everything a little over the top! Really play up your makeup.

Originally Posted by kaylin_marie /img/forum/go_quote.gif The outfit you have planned sounds good. Just do everything a little over the top! Really play up your makeup. wow over the top makeup is gonna be a real challenge for me as I usually do very natural makeup.
DAMN, I just found my favorite fake lashes, but I can´t find my lash glue

you will do just fine dont worry

everyone will ster at you when you will enter the room

youll see

and dont 4get to tell us how it was

pic' will be good


have a great time, sounds fun. I like the idea of lbd, and red to accent the black.

you look great with red lips too. have fun..

It sounds like fun Andi! I'm sure whatever you choose to wear you will look hot! Please show us some pics.

Ok I think I`m gonna go for the pin up look..at least I´m gonna try. That´s really the only thing fitting in my closet
Dress: Forever 21 black babydoll with mega cleavage

Makeup: Black liner, dark red lips

Nails: bright red or black?? I´d think bright red to make as a contrast to the dress

Hair: very big, maybe I can put my blood read headband in

Jewelry: Black dangly earrings

Shoes: I have black peeptoes that would be perfect but I left them at home, so I will wear strappy gold high heels

Gosh I hope I can make this work, I´ll take pics whenever I done with my styling marathon

Im sure u will look fabulous! keep us posted:)
Sounds like it will be a fun night! I'm sure that outfit will look hot on you!!
