Do you pick at your skin/pimples/scars, etc? forums

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I wish I could answer no, but I still pick at my skin occasionally. I think I should learn to do it in a more gentle way at least. I'm also guilty of resting my hands on my face...that happens often at school...LOL.

I don't really get acne anymore. It's been months, and I used to get some every day!! I try not to pick, if it's small and not white, I leave it alone. If it's disgusting, I pick the crap out of it lol. Fortunately I don't get scarring either. IDK why, they go away in a couple weeks.

Originally Posted by Andi /img/forum/go_quote.gif I don´t pick at whiteheads. I steam my face, sterilize a very thin needle, pop the pimple and pull on the skin on both side of the pimple so that the white stuff comes out on it´s onw. Sounds like a good idea, I think I may try that since I tend to mess with pimples when I get them.
I read some dermatoligist give the advice that if you're going to pop a pimple, to do it with the ends of two q-tips. I've tried that, and all it did was break the skin near it and cause a would to my facial skin haha so I use my finger knuckles to prevent breaking skin (I don't use my nails).

When I do get them, I try to avoid messing with them, but it tends to be hard to stop thinking about once I realize I have them so I usually lose the battles haha

Originally Posted by AngelaGM /img/forum/go_quote.gif Yes I pop my pimples and I LOVE to pop my husband's bacne! Originally Posted by MindySue /img/forum/go_quote.gif Im gonna throw up..ahaha Me too...haha..
But yeah, The only time i "pop" is if it's a whitehead.

i do but i have this lotion and i apply it on and it kills all the germs and stuff i like my face to be clean

yes i's that it's there..and i need to get rid of it so i try to pop it but it only makes it worse

If there is something there to pick at or to pop I will usually pick at it or pop it! LOL But thankfully there is hardly ever anything there. I'm a bad bad girl!!! I just can't resist.

oh yes !

if im not sittin on the computer, im infront of the mirror popin them things.

i just cant stand them.but just be sure to becareful.

I do. If I let pimples or scars heal by themselves, they always leave darker/worse marks than when I pop them myself.

Nope! No matter how much I really want to, I don't. I learned the hard way and created a scar when I was younger. I do admit to having a repeat zit on my lipline, and I will pick it once it scabs over. Only because it hurts like a b*tch if I don't!

i have a tendency to pick at my pimples when they're itchy, but i restrain myself because I know that it'll leave ugly scars!

But I like picking at dried wound scabs. Gross, I know.

i do, well at least at the pimples anyway... Its gross when its big, but its gross as well when i popped them and the spot turns red... *sigh!

Originally Posted by AngelaGM /img/forum/go_quote.gif Yes I pop my pimples and I LOVE to pop my husband's bacne! ewwww, I just threw up a little. bleh!
YES!!! A very bad habit for me.. and than I wanna cry when it leaves a bad scar

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