Do you have a Tattoo? forums

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I have a small tribal heart on my lower stomach. I'm definitely getting another one.

I havent got any. About half of my friends do, and I think they look really good, but I just can't figure out what I'd get, so I've stuck with nothing.

i actually dont have on, im only 17 and have to wait bc mother didnt aprrove... go figure lol. but i want a unicorn with stars coming out on the top of my foot, a lot of people get them in the same places and i figure its pretty original, plus i want something that will remind me of my mom, and she loves unicorns. =]

I have none. BF thinks they're gross. I know if I really wanted to I could get one, but I don't want to be unnatractive to him.

ok a question for those who have more than one particually if you've had one on your lower back and your neck.

I have one already on my lower back coloured in and everything and now i want to get two joining heart pretty small on the back of my neck and wondering if its going to be really painful there. So whats the pain difference like between thos two places is really want i wanna know


I do have a tattoo, I got it almost two years ago, I thought long and hard about it, although the day I got it done, I didn't plan on getting was on my lunch break. I don't regret it one bit. I have a Egyptian Ankh with butterfly wings and my name underneath it. It's on my upper shoulder, so if I wear certain tops you can see it, but if not, you'll never know it's there. I am getting another one soon, me, my brother and my mother are getting tattoos together my mom is a 1 year breast cancer surviver and we are all getting some kind of breast cancer ribbons to honor her struggle.


Ooh, I thought about making a thread on this but ya' beat me to it. Awesome! Here are mine:

Can't Wait To See More!

I'd like to get one near the small of my back, but I'm chicken as to what I'd think twenty years from now!

Nope. I'm too indecisive. I'd get one and like it for 3 days then change my mind and hate it forever.

I've got three tattoo's and love them all. I have one on the inside of my ankle that's the yin yang with a tribal pattern wrapped around it, one on the top of my bum that's a celtic circle that represents the stillness within us all, and one on the top of my thigh that was a mix of two patterns that I liked, the tattooist just freehanded it on for me.

I have a small chinese character on my wrist (zodiac sign dragon), yea i'm typical asian lolol

I'm planning a few others soon =)

Yeah i got one Its Cherries First my mom did this tattoo on me i wanted something cute simple so found that Cherries are cute and simple also it represents the sensuality of a women and sweetness also cherries can represent the well being I have this tattoo since im 16 years old its not totally finish i want to put little more design to it but what it represents the most is MY Mom since shes the one who did it so its like a long term souvenir
Originally Posted by banapple /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have a small chinese character on my wrist (zodiac sign dragon), yea i'm typical asian lolol
I'm planning a few others soon =)

That's what I was thinking about getting!
No tattoos here. It's not that I didn't have the chance. I was in the Navy and the ship pulled into Hong Kong for liberty. A bunch of us went to Pinkys a world famous tattoo shop. I was next in line. I was going to get a Chinese dragon on my right shoulder blade. All of a sudden the door flew open and about 50 Chinese guys came in swinging knives, meat clevers, and baseball bats. I was sitting close to the door and made a dive for it. Two of our guys got cut up pretty bad. One of them had 138 stiches in his thigh the other had 120 stiches in his head. Needless to say, that cured me of getting a tattoo.

I have two right now (I'll take pictures tonight) and want more, I always know all the places I want them but never can decide on what. My next one will be a saying down my rib cage though. =)


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