(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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She did? Oh no! I wish I was aware of that. I'm in the group mainly because I had to set the group up but I don't get any notifications from the group. I'll look into it and see what the next step will be.
It would be great if you could look into it! There seems to be a few people interested in joining which may help with the current lack of enthusiasm.
Quote: Originally Posted by Jac13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That sucks!! I didn't know there was a birthday club.  Well Happy Belated Birthday.

I had no idea either!

Quote: Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
She did? Oh no! I wish I was aware of that. I'm in the group mainly because I had to set the group up but I don't get any notifications from the group. I'll look into it and see what the next step will be.
I had a September birthday too, but didn't bother with it because of the lack of communication. I was told that it was unofficially decided that the members should send out their own birthday wish list and mailing info. That just seemed weird to me. I didn't want to presumptuous.

Quote: Originally Posted by MakeuptheCat /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Relax Trekkers take a deep breath and calm down, it's not so bad to be 7 people instead of 8, it's still a lot of company:)  My dog and I always celebrate Christmas just 1 person 1 dog and it is not that bad really.

I don't think you get the point. It's a big deal to her that her husband isn't their to spend Christmas with the family! It's not about how many people its about who's there. Even think about her kids missing their dad on Christmas! It's hard when one of your parents is missing from a special holiday! 

I don't think you get the point. It's a big deal to her that her husband isn't their to spend Christmas with the family! It's not about how many people its about who's there. Even think about her kids missing their dad on Christmas! It's hard when one of your parents is missing from a special holiday! 
THIS. All of it.
Agreed! I'm so excited to join Secret Santa!

I don't think you get the point. It's a big deal to her that her husband isn't their to spend Christmas with the family! It's not about how many people its about who's there. Even think about her kids missing their dad on Christmas! It's hard when one of your parents is missing from a special holiday! 
Quote: Originally Posted by soccerkidtlk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't think you get the point. It's a big deal to her that her husband isn't their to spend Christmas with the family! It's not about how many people its about who's there. Even think about her kids missing their dad on Christmas! It's hard when one of your parents is missing from a special holiday! 

You are so spot on 

But don't worry about her, I'm pretty sure she's just a troll.

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am SO thankful for this Secret Santa thing this year.  I'm really looking forward to it because I just got word last night from my dear husband that he "gets" to go away for military TDY in 3 weeks for a few months meaning he "gets" to miss Halloween (which is my very favorite holiday [we do a family theme & I've already made ALL our costumes . . . Despicable Me just won't be the same without "Gru" here.]) & Christmas this year (FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW!).  I "get" to be home alone, once again, with my six kids without their daddy.  Talk about a bummer right?  I actually feel worse for him. . . at least I get to share Christmas with my kids.

So THANK YOU for putting this together Zadi!  This really will be a bright spot in a really emotionally rough month for me this year.  It will give me an opportunity to NOT dwell on my own emotions & will allow me to really think about someone else & give me a way to pass some time "stalking" someone else which will help to keep my mind off of things.  I can't wait to play Santa for someone else who loves make-up as much as I do.  I LOVE to buy make-up & don't get to do it very often so it really will be a bright spot this season for me.  Thank you again for putting this together.  I know it's a lot of work for you, but know that it is totally making MY Christmas this year.

Counting down the days until November 1st. . .  

I enjoyed Secret Santa last year and I know that the majority of ladies last year had a blast with it as well. I hope you have a wonderful experience with Secret Santa this year. Only a few more weeks before I open it up officially for sign ups!

Quote: Originally Posted by soccerkidtlk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by MakeuptheCat /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Relax Trekkers take a deep breath and calm down, it's not so bad to be 7 people instead of 8, it's still a lot of company:)  My dog and I always celebrate Christmas just 1 person 1 dog and it is not that bad really.

I don't think you get the point. It's a big deal to her that her husband isn't their to spend Christmas with the family! It's not about how many people its about who's there. Even think about her kids missing their dad on Christmas! It's hard when one of your parents is missing from a special holiday! 

Unfortunately, Makeupthecat has done several things and as such has been auto-banned due to the amount of infractions she's received. In most cases I do not go into why a person has been banned however in this case I will simply state that there were several complaints issued against her by various members in various posts. She had been warned several times by me and other moderators not only unofficially outside our infraction system but also via the infraction system. She chose to continue to violate the rules despite being shown which rules she was violating and warned that any further violations would result in infractions. As a result both her accounts have been banned from MUT.

I'm sorry that we were unable to prevent her from making insensitive comments towards trekkersangel. The comments were insensitive and uncalled for and MakeupTalk especially the Secret Santa group is not a place for those who wants to post such comments.

Quote: Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Unfortunately, Makeupthecat has done several things and as such has been auto-banned due to the amount of infractions she's received. In most cases I do not go into why a person has been banned however in this case I will simply state that there were several complaints issued against her by various members in various posts. She had been warned several times by me and other moderators not only unofficially outside our infraction system but also via the infraction system. She chose to continue to violate the rules despite being shown which rules she was violating and warned that any further violations would result in infractions. As a result both her accounts have been banned from MUT.

I'm sorry that we were unable to prevent her from making insensitive comments towards trekkersangel. The comments were insensitive and uncalled for and MakeupTalk especially the Secret Santa group is not a place for those who wants to post such comments.


Quote: Originally Posted by ttanner2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I wish this kind of enthusiasm was in the Birthday Group.  I have sent numerous gifts out over the last year, having fun with it... But now my birthday came and went with not even a birthday card or private message, wishing me a happy birthday, from anyone in the group.  

Sorry to  hear that! Hope you get a great secret santa.

Unfortunately, Makeupthecat has done several things and as such has been auto-banned due to the amount of infractions she's received. In most cases I do not go into why a person has been banned however in this case I will simply state that there were several complaints issued against her by various members in various posts. She had been warned several times by me and other moderators not only unofficially outside our infraction system but also via the infraction system. She chose to continue to violate the rules despite being shown which rules she was violating and warned that any further violations would result in infractions. As a result both her accounts have been banned from MUT. I'm sorry that we were unable to prevent her from making insensitive comments towards trekkersangel. The comments were insensitive and uncalled for and MakeupTalk especially the Secret Santa group is not a place for those who wants to post such comments.
Thank you all for your kind words. I really have skin of steel & don't get offended even when someone says things that seem insensitive. After all, "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent!" So lets all smile, shop, & play with make-up! I hope you all are leaving hints & clues in your MUT posts because I'm gonna be stalking you if I'm your secret Santa! SO excited!
Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah. I am SO very grateful I can still share it with my kids. This happened last year too so it's nothing new to me, it's just hard emotionally to be away from loved ones on Christmas. But that's why I'm really excited about secret Santa! It will keep my emotions in check & get me really excited about Christmas. It's just what I need this year! I'm SO happy to be a member of such a fun forum full of the best make up addicts around!

I get what you are saying for the holidays is just me and the hubby since we live overseas. I do tend to get homesick at that time since I am used to huge family gatherings.

I came home two days before Christmas on my last assignment. It was the BEST for everyone.

Quote: Originally Posted by ttanner2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I've already purchased some things on Hautelook in anticipation of the holidays for reasonably priced gifts.

It's never too early to start plotting, er planning.

I had a lot of fun with this last year and cannot wait for this year!

I can't wait for Black Friday! I could probably get $60 worth of stuff for my SS for $30 with sales & discounts. I hope Sephora has good sales this year like they did last year.

This will be the first year I've ever paid attention to black Friday sales at Ulta and Sephora! Very excited!!
