Uh Huh Her
Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Browncoat over here!
and I've been trying to determine where to start with Dr. Who cuz from what I've heard I'll end up a Whovian too
Start with Eccleston. He's the Ninth Doctor and really the launching point for the modern fandom. They really structured that season so you would need to know *nothing* about the universe because they had been gone for so long that they had a whole new generation or two of people who had never bothered with the show because it was *old* and so daunting that it didn't seem worth getting into. As Rose learns about the universe, new viewers learn about it as well. I actually started watching an episode not even realizing what I was watching and was almost instantly hooked (I think it took me a good twenty minutes before I even realized it was _Doctor Who_ since I had never seen an episode before and had turned it on partway into the episode -- just far enough that the credits were over but not far enough in to be completely lost as far as the plot line of that particular episode went). And with Eccleston, you get the most disturbing hour of tv ever (I told some friends how disturbing it was, forgot about telling them, and received email from one of them *years* later thanking me for the warning because his wife would have *freaked out* if she hadn't been able to watch the following episode immediately) *and* the introduction of Captain Jack Harkness at pretty much exactly the same time.
Browncoat over here!

Start with Eccleston. He's the Ninth Doctor and really the launching point for the modern fandom. They really structured that season so you would need to know *nothing* about the universe because they had been gone for so long that they had a whole new generation or two of people who had never bothered with the show because it was *old* and so daunting that it didn't seem worth getting into. As Rose learns about the universe, new viewers learn about it as well. I actually started watching an episode not even realizing what I was watching and was almost instantly hooked (I think it took me a good twenty minutes before I even realized it was _Doctor Who_ since I had never seen an episode before and had turned it on partway into the episode -- just far enough that the credits were over but not far enough in to be completely lost as far as the plot line of that particular episode went). And with Eccleston, you get the most disturbing hour of tv ever (I told some friends how disturbing it was, forgot about telling them, and received email from one of them *years* later thanking me for the warning because his wife would have *freaked out* if she hadn't been able to watch the following episode immediately) *and* the introduction of Captain Jack Harkness at pretty much exactly the same time.