Quote: Originally Posted by
usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i will definitely include wisconsiny goodies! probably not cheese..or beer..but definitely something delicious and fattening and bad for you but so worth it.
Quote: Originally Posted by
meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I love kitschy local stuff! My person would stand a high chance of getting Voodoo Doughnut stuff, although not doughnuts because those do *not* travel well. Not Vooodoo Doughnut beer, either, because that stuff is reportedly disgusting and a waste of fifteen bucks.
Quote: Originally Posted by
usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
First. I am obsessed with voodoo donuts. Whenever anyone visits Portland, I tell them they HAVE to go.
Second. My boyfriend is obsessed with Rogue Beer and I think they have that one whiskey?. Like no joke he special orders stuff all the time. I think his dream vacation would be for is to go to Portland and stay at Rogue's Inn or whatever on top of the bar/brewery. As if living in milwaukee wasn't enough for this beer enthusiast...
I would also not say no to beer- unless it's the Voodoo Doughnut beer, because it IS disgusting and a waste of $15.00. I still own the bottle though, because it's pink, and there's a pig, and doughnuts, and bacon. Some beer lover somewhere is crying over my dishonesty to good beer, because this is just a travesty to craft beer everywhere. However, Rogue Dead Guy is probably one of my most favorites. Beer, makeup, gently used samples- bring it on SS! I'm not picky!
Edit- I'll have to include something super Chicago-y in mine. Like a hotdog
. Kidding. Probably.