Some people on the forum are a wee bit more obsessed with Asian makeup than they should be. And by "some people," I mean "people named meaganola." Also, don't be worried about OMG CHRISTMAS! I don't really do Christmas, but it's just *fun* to get surprise makeup in the mail. It's one of the biggest reasons I do subscription boxes! The only way you can really mess up is if you send the opposite of the wish list and instead send a bunch of stuff on the DO NOT WANT list. This happened to me once upon a time, but on the up side, new things to add to the swap list.
I'm right there with you! I love Asian makeup, lol. And I don't really like Christmas, but I like surprising people and I LOVE (literally, it's not a healthy love. I sign up for free samples just because I like getting mail.) getting surprise packages lol. And I second the "not sending things on the do not want list". You really can't screw it up too bad, unless you're trying to. (Or if someone decides to be a jerk- some people can't be satisfied and that's not your problem, really.)