(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yup and we've discussed it many times along the way as most of us knew we were going over budget
I also think it should probably be 2-tiered next year if this many people want to participate again, but I will say I do still think some of the girts will 'look' way over budget because a lot of people with a substantial stash 'shopped it' especially if they happened to get a Santee whose list dovetailed with what they had.  I am SURE some of the gifts that look like $50+ gifts really cost the santa FAR closer to $25 than it looks.  So it's kind of hard since it's hard to say how to account for that (other than that you can't).

Actually, thinking about it, I'd be happy either way.  If people are happy not doing it tiered, I actually also think that's fine since I think for most of us it was more about giving than receiving.  

I could have spent less if I had waited awhile and made a list of what I wanted to get my SS. If I participate next year I think I will be shopping differently. Next year I don't think I'll do international though. Shipping was expensive and because I wasn't sure how long it would take I sent out right at the beginning of the ship window and missed a lot of good sales that would have let me get more bang for my buck.

Quote: Originally Posted by tulosai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I also think it should probably be 2-tiered next year if this many people want to participate again, but I will say I do still think some of the girts will 'look' way over budget because a lot of people with a substantial stash 'shopped it' especially if they happened to get a Santee whose list dovetailed with what they had.  I am SURE some of the gifts that look like $50+ gifts really cost the santa FAR closer to $25 than it looks.  So it's kind of hard since it's hard to say how to account for that (other than that you can't).

Actually, thinking about it, I'd be happy either way.  If people are happy not doing it tiered, I actually also think that's fine since I think for most of us it was more about giving than receiving.  
i definitely shopped my stash since my Santee requested some of my favorites and I definitely keep spare minis of my favorites for travel purposes so that was pretty easy. I kinda regret shopping so early though. If I could do it over, I would wait until Sephora puts out their $20 off $50 cards and save that for Santee shopping that way I can give her more without actually spending more. 

i'd be happy either way though if we did a 2-tier or just the same. i really wouldn't want anyone to feel like their gifts were not substantial enough. the whole process was way too fun to be upset!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I could have spent less if I had waited awhile and made a list of what I wanted to get my SS. If I participate next year I think I will be shopping differently. Next year I don't think I'll do international though. Shipping was expensive and because I wasn't sure how long it would take I sent out right at the beginning of the ship window and missed a lot of good sales that would have let me get more bang for my buck.
Yeah, my biggest regret is that I immediately purchased hand cream for my SS (it was specifically on her list) and if I'd have waited for black friday Sephora was having a huge deal on it and I'd have been able to get her twice as much for $2 more.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i'd be happy either way though if we did a 2-tier or just the same. i really wouldn't want anyone to feel like their gifts were not substantial enough. the whole process was way too fun to be upset!
I also do notice no one has complained about their gift (at least in public)... the only people complaining are those who felt 'guilty' for not doing more, and the consensus has seemed to be that they were/are being silly.

I am ok with either way. I do not have a stash to shop from. I happily purchased all my gifts. I missed the Black Friday sales due to unforeseen planning. I am happy with what I sent out. I went over the limit but certain items cost more than others. Little items quickly add up. I always said it is hard to get a relatively substantial gift without sales or going over. I think with any secret Santa or swaps it is always a gamble. I have had mostly bad look in the past but I always take the risk. I was super happy with my secret Santa nails. I guess we can take a poll once all the gifts are in but you just have to have fun with it. It's only really crappy if you don't receive a gift or if someone was completely deceitful.

Quote: Originally Posted by tulosai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yeah, my biggest regret is that I immediately purchased hand cream for my SS (it was specifically on her list) and if I'd have waited for black friday Sephora was having a huge deal on it and I'd have been able to get her twice as much for $2 more.
Yea my lady's main gift would have been much cheaper on BF at Ulta. It was also something specifically on her list and since the rest was pretty random lol I wanted to get one thing that definitely said I was paying attention to your list I swear!

Quote: Originally Posted by Jac13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am ok with either way. I do not have a stash to shop from. I happily purchased all my gifts. I missed the Black Friday sales due to unforeseen planning. I am happy with what I sent out. I went over the limit but certain items cost more than others. Little items quickly add up. I always said it is hard to get a relatively substantial gift without sales or going over. I think with any secret Santa or swaps it is always a gamble. I have had mostly bad look in the past but I always take the risk. I was super happy with my secret Santa nails. I guess we can take a poll once all the gifts are in but you just have to have fun with it. It's only really crappy if you don't receive a gift or if someone was completely deceitful.
With as much shopping as I did this year I have a stash NOW

Yea, I will definitely plan better next year. Maybe I will catch some really good end of year sales. I can indulge myself, lol.

I just checked the tracking on my SS gift-it's coming today instead of tomorrow!! Hooray! Hooray!! Off to peer through the blinds for the mailman!!!!

I just sent my SS box off! Should get there monday! It helps that we are on the same coast as one another!!! *hint hint*

She's not my secret santee but we had planned a swap awhile back and I thought I'd share her wrapped presents. She only knows one of the things she's getting; the item we are swapping, the rest is all a surprise!!! Wrapped pretties for my NOT SO SECRET SANTA Swap with [@]yousoldtheworld[/@] Ahhhh I've tried to upload this picture like 10 times!! Why!!!??Why won't you work?! :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by LyndaV /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I got my Secret Santa box yesterday, but wasn't feeling well and didn't open until tonight. My Santa is MissRoe, thank you so very much! I am totally overwhelmed by your generosity and I haven't even opened the presents yet!! I hope you don't mind that I'm planning to wait to open my gifts, at least until we've hot the decorations up. Your card brought tears to my eyes and I hope you don't mind that I've included your family Christmas card...you have a beautiful family!
Lyndav-it was such a wonderful and fulfilling experience to get to know you through your posts. I hope when you are feeling better you tear into those pretties and enjoy them! May you and your family have the most blessed and wondrous Christmas ever..xoxo

I'm not sure how I feel about doing tiered groups.  I would miss having us all on here together.  At the same time I wouldn't want anyone to feel bad about their gift.  I went a little over but did include items from my stash as extras.  I think we are all on some kind of budget and a lot of the excess was made possible by people's stashes and deals.  All in all if there were more groups I would probably join one and read the threads for all the others. lol. 
