(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Surprisingly, I ended up having a really great day. I woke up to my amazing SS gift. I went to work and found out I got a promotion I'd been hoping for (I currently work as an aide taking care of developmentally disabled children and young adults...but I was just promoted to Activities, which means I will quite literally get paid to play with them...games, crafts, spa nights, karaoke, and taking them out on outings to things like the circus, NBA games, the orchard, shopping..._ Now I come home, see that several other ladies got their gifts which I am looking forward to fawning over, and it is officially my weekend off. What a super day!
Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Riiiiight.  Good luck with that.

(I have two two-year-old cats.  One likes to bite -- just bite, not chew -- the edges of flaps on cardboard boxes.  He also has what I refer to as his chewy towel that he sits and chews on just because.  There are other towels around, but he focuses on this one particular towel for some reason, and he wanders around the apartment very confused when it's in the laundry.  The other cat targets plasticky reusable shopping bags like IKEA sells.  He's uninterested in chewing towels.)
I keep calling Stormageddon the kitten, but he's a year and a couple months.  I figure it's the equivalent of the terrible twos, he gets into everything, omg.  We have to be really careful with metallic stretchy string otherwise he tries to chew. Same with cardboard. He even tries to eat the cardboard he scratches up from his nail scratcher. Eww.  Yet he has tons of food and fresh water, and we watch him eat.  He's also a drooler, but hey, at least if he drools on you, he gives you a bath until you're clean - lol!

My cat is 9 but I still call her kitty mostly because she still acts like one and she has a really long name (Princess Consuela Banana Hammock). She is weird and sometimes I even think she knows English. She is not attracted to plastic or boxes she likes to sit with us in the couch while we watch tv, likes to collect my jewelry and attempts to eat her wet food with her hands making a huge mess.

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  So I just used my first ever Lush products, compliments of my SS....I think I'm in love! I tried the Snowcake soap (um, amazing? My skin is so soft and I am obsessed with this scent) and the Ocean Salt Scrub, which left my face super smooth and soft. I totally get the hype now, and I definitely think I'll be ordering a few things. I can't wait to try my Cupcake mask tomorrow!

As for my gift, it looks like my final order will be in on Wednesday! So SS, your gift should be on its way by Friday and I am sorry for the delay! And for those who were worried about disappointing their Santee, I don't think that'll happen :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  My gift has quite a few items, but is not super extravagant....but I'm hoping she'll love it!
I love the Ocean salt scrub!

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Can I just say I love you ladies? This is by far the very best thread on make up talk right now! I kinda wish we could all take a girls trip together to Sephora, LUSH, & anything else that sounds fun!

I got my package yesterday & I'm still in tears over it. I don't think I've ever received anything so thought out in my life. (Goodness, & who wouldn't cry over receiving NAKED 3?). It was all so much more than I ever expected or deserved. The ladies on here are the best of the best. I am loving all the secret chit chat & the amazing reveals! You all truly are amazing people inside & out! Anyone is lucky to be anyone's Santee on this board.

To those who think their gifts aren't good enough, they totally are. Everyone loves getting mail! Especially surprise pretties! The thought that you all put into your gifts is truly magical & that's what this season is all about!

Thank you ALL for making this the most magical Christmas ever for me! You all are the best! And keep these reveals coming. Seeing everyone's goodies is what makes my day every day! I'm loving this!
Wow awesome gift! I have a feeling I am going to be in tears before I even open my gift just thinking someone took the time to pick out things for me and send them makes me all  emotional.

Hahaha WE HAVE TO TRY THIS, THE PEOPLE ON THE INTERWEBZ SAID SO.  :rofl2: I hope you got your cookie butter!  Let us know how you like it!
Oh I got it. Big hulking jar of it. Dear husband doesn't like to try new things so I'm going have to wait till one if the locusts are over here where I can open it.
Thank you! They ended up letting me go, just got home at um, 4:40 am.  Couldn't figure out what was wrong, but nothing that they could catch on the monitors, so since the tests were within normal ranges I was allowed to come home.  Following up with my doc Monday. Fun fun!
Well that's good.
Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ugh. Could use some mojo/ good thoughts. Sitting In the ER with some bp and heart weirdness. I'm hoping it's nothing, but my doc told me to get my butt in stat so I did. They've taken 2 ekgs and didn't rush me back, so I'm crossing my fingers it's just a weird med reaction. My boyfriend is here with me and I have MUT to keep me occupied until I'm seen.

I'm glad everything was normal.  I hope they figure out what caused it!

Quote: Originally Posted by Dakota750 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My last dentist prescribed me anti-anxiety meds to take before my next cleaning because I was such a crying mess/huge b*tch during the initial consultation.  Let me tell you, it helped A LOT!

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Aw, why didn't you get seen?

I like the dentist- but have never had any major work done that would make me hate it lol. (Actually...I think I've only seen a dentist ...2 times in my life?) I've needed braces since I was a child- but alas, my parents never cared enough to y'know, be proper parents.

Husband finally got some insurance with dental- so I'm gonna look into how much would be covered for braces. 24 with braces, what fun. But it sure would be nice to be able to smile with my teeth showing...I never do. People tend to think I'm being sad/mad/cocky or something...I'm not, I just have bad/crooked teeth that I'm ashamed to show

I'm not anxious or afraid of the dentist.  I haven't had a cavity in at least 10 years and I am not having any problems with my teeth or gums.  I really just wanted a teeth cleaning.  When I called to make the appointment, I told them I did not want any X-rays.  They said it was fine.  Then I get there and they want to take a full array of x-rays.  I told the tech no x-rays. She tells me the dentist won't see me without the x-rays, but she would go check.  When she comes back, she tells me I  will HAVE to have x-rays and that the dentist will be in to see me in a few minutes to talk to me.  I told her, no, I'm going to leave, that I already feel uncomfortable and the dentist will just make me feel more uncomfortable and I would rather just leave.  So, I left.  I will go back, to a different dentist, eventually.  

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Womp womp.
Annoying things of the morning:
-I swapped with someone and their end of the trade hasn't updated for like 4 days and it was supposed to be here by now but according to tracking it's just been "processed by the sorting facility". So it wouldn't be her fault if it didn't come through... But I'm still bummed.
-I reached out to my boyfriends favorite webcomic artist to buy a book off of him that was sold almost only through kickstarter. He was really sweet and said yes - he has spares. I paypal'd him a month ago (as a gift. I'm kicking myself.). He said he I will receive it by the end of November and will get the shipping details. Nothing. Radio silence. I'm out $50 and what would've been a great gift
-I have finals and need to study but my boyfriends mom insists we ALL go and buy a Christmas tree together early in the AM before all the good ones are picked over. Last year it took all day to pick a tree. We went to like 7 lots. I don't understand. I need to study.

THE GOOD NEWS: I'm on my way to ship my SSantees present!!

Sorry for being so crabby this morning. It's too cold and I'm ~*annoyed*~ but I'm so excited to see what other gifts roll out today!
Sorry to hear you are having a bad day. Hopefully tree shopping went quick. Hope your trade and your bfs gifts arrive soon. Good luck getting time to study.

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

MY GIFT CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to see what you got!

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Dear SSantee:
Went to the post office. Cutely packed square box was going to cost double of a flat rate. PO worker suggested then promptly rang me up for a flat rate and said that my box can just be placed inside the larger flat rate box. False. It did not fit. Because she already rang me up for the flat rate box I couldn't just say never mind and pay for the square box. I had to unpack everything and use the ugly Priority Mail tape. Now your gift is in a giant, poorly taped Flat Rate box. I'm afraid something in there will break because I didn't have enough filler to pad the box. I'm also afraid that that tape won't hold up because priority mail tape is really ****** and that's all they had. Small square box was perfectly packed and had a cute tag on it and everything ;( I'm sorry I wasn't willing to pay $25 to ship your cute square box but I knew it was heavy so IDK what I was thinking!. I hope you forgive me and I hope nothing comes broken.


PS thanks guys! I'll make like a ninja and use my powers to pick the prettiest tree first. I want Chinese food now... I'll quit being so whiney! Bring on the SS reveals! First semester grad school finals are stressful!
Hope your gift arrives to your santee in good condition.


you guyssss it's snowing!!!!!!!!!

(It is kind of a rarity here, especially before january!  Also, it's my PUPPY'S FIRST SNOW!!!! I got him last year in November.)

Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif

you guyssss it's snowing!!!!!!!!!

(It is kind of a rarity here, especially before january!  Also, it's my PUPPY'S FIRST SNOW!!!! I got him last year in November.)
We haven't had snow yet, and I hate snow, but I kinda want some this year to see what the puppies think about it.  They are both under 6 months, so the whole cold weather thing is bothering them right now.  

you guyssss it's snowing!!!!!!!!! (It is kind of a rarity here, especially before january!  Also, it's my PUPPY'S FIRST SNOW!!!! I got him last year in November.)
Awww so cute! Our puppy came from Mississippi & we adopted her in June, so it's her first snow too! She LOVES it. Just keeps frolicking around in it. And eating it. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thanks everyone, waiting room on a Sat night is party central:)

Eek for the bad dentist experiences. One of the guys in my pottery class is a Demtist that specializes in scared patients (didn't know that was an option) so you may want to look for someone similar near you. Apparently they work really hard to work with/ through dental phobias.
I HATE the dentist- absolutely hate it. I hate everything about it. I refuse to go! So I looked into sedation dentistry that is for people like me but it costs so much money, Ugh. I'd rather be knocked out the entire time.

Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif

you guyssss it's snowing!!!!!!!!!

(It is kind of a rarity here, especially before january!  Also, it's my PUPPY'S FIRST SNOW!!!! I got him last year in November.)

OMG HES SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fiance and I are seriously considering a corgi as our next furbaby (whenver that may be).

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ugh. Could use some mojo/ good thoughts. Sitting In the ER with some bp and heart weirdness. I'm hoping it's nothing, but my doc told me to get my butt in stat so I did. They've taken 2 ekgs and didn't rush me back, so I'm crossing my fingers it's just a weird med reaction. My boyfriend is here with me and I have MUT to keep me occupied until I'm seen.
I hope things work out for the best.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Aw, why didn't you get seen?

I like the dentist- but have never had any major work done that would make me hate it lol. (Actually...I think I've only seen a dentist ...2 times in my life?) I've needed braces since I was a child- but alas, my parents never cared enough to y'know, be proper parents.

Husband finally got some insurance with dental- so I'm gonna look into how much would be covered for braces. 24 with braces, what fun. But it sure would be nice to be able to smile with my teeth showing...I never do. People tend to think I'm being sad/mad/cocky or something...I'm not, I just have bad/crooked teeth that I'm ashamed to show

I'm so self-conscious about my teeth. Everyone picks on me because I don't smile in pictures but I hate how crooked my front teeth are. I'll be 24 w/braces too :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> My dentist told me that I may have to get my wisdom teeth pulled before getting braces. I think I will try to get Invisalign. 

On a related note, the cashier at a Dunkin' Donuts pointed out the gap that I have in my front teeth and told me that in her culture having a gap is a sign of intelligence lol.

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Thank you! They ended up letting me go, just got home at um, 4:40 am.  Couldn't figure out what was wrong, but nothing that they could catch on the monitors, so since the tests were within normal ranges I was allowed to come home.  Following up with my doc Monday. Fun fun!
I hope everything is okay.  So glad it wasn't anything they had to keep you for!   

I HATE the dentist- absolutely hate it. I hate everything about it. I refuse to go! So I looked into sedation dentistry that is for people like me but it costs so much money, Ugh. I'd rather be knocked out the entire time. OMG HES SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fiance and I are seriously considering a corgi as our next furbaby (whenver that may be).
Corgis are the best. We have two. Daisy is so smart it is scary. Marley is the biggest snuggle buddy.
Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
   I think I scared the hubby with my happy dance when I saw the message from my elf with tracking. Now its just the waiting game.
I think my Mom and Hubby are almost as excited as I am about having tracking.  Lol.  They have been following all the reveals and love how sweet everyone on here is.

I've been keeping my hubby updated and letting him know whenever anyone gets a gift. He is surprised by all the care being put into the packages that are being sent out.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif


All we've gotten is freezing rain and a layer of ice!
