(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Please tell me I wasn't the only one that blew up the picture & squinted really hard so I could try to read the address on the box. Ha ha ha. This is too fun!
Haha!!! Too funny!!
Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  This day is crap and it's not even 9. Can I go back to bed?
Yes!  I proclaim it to be " Go back to bed Day".

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yes!  I proclaim it to be " Go back to bed Day".
Lol, TY. If I hadn't missed talking to my honey last night so I could get back on schedule I'd go take a nap.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@luckyme502 oh I'm far beyond trying to please everyone lol. I've got tattoos that scare most all of Utah, lmao. I'm big on the shock-factor too lol- I take pride in being the local freak- a funky, alt-fashionable overall weirdo =p
One day I'll meet another rainbow-strange person here in rural Mormon-land, and we'll frolic through the flds compounds down the mountain from my home together, picking flowers and painting our faces all sorts of crazy to scare the local children and elderly.

No offense meant towards lds or flds members btw- believe whatever you wanna believe!- you're just everywhere around here (and you know it!)

(I realize that I'm 10 pages behind- jet lag is killing me!  I want to catch up I miss talking with you ladies :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> )

I'm the same way about the tattoos- I have a 3/4 sleeve and thinking about doing my other arm and everyone back home (TN) is very "omg.. but.. don't you.. work and stuff?"  And I do.. I just work in the arctic tundra and live in the coldest place ever.  The only time I'd ever wear sleeveless or even short sleeves is outside and not in the office!  My nose is pierced and all my friends call me "alt" or tell me that I have a "pinup style".  I'm big on black leather and black eyeliner and big bold lips.. I guess I have a tendency to dress a little alt..

WHICH IS HILARIOUS since I love hiking and climbing and doing very crunchy/granola-y things.  I guess I just have my own sense of style 

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My aunt recently tried to get white/silver streaks put in her hair.  Which is almost entirely black.  She was pissed that the salon couldn't get it to go any lighter than medium red even with volume 40.  I just squinted at her and said she should have asked me because I could have *told* her that wasn't going to work.  The only way her hair will bleach out to white is a triple process, and I'm not sure her hair can withstand that.  Then she said that the stylist pointed out that, look, she has some silver hairs!  My aunt:  "Yeah.  I walked in with those.  I want *more*."  I think her plan was to get white streaks and then use temporary-ish bright colors as her mood strikes so she's not stuck with the same color until her next stylist appointment.  She's had permanent color streaks put in before, so this isn't really a new thing for her, but changing colors on a whim is.

(My aunt is going to be sixty-five, oh, ****, tomorrow.  I forgot to get her a birthday card/present.    Hmm, I actually have a can of blue Bumble+Bumble spray chalk -- which I won at a Sephora event -- that I think might be acceptable.  Blue streaks in the hair of someone who cusses a blue streak!  It's a theme!  And I work next door to a card shop!  Holy last-minute scramble, Batman!  I might be able to pull this off as if it was planned all along!)

This is badass.  Also- for dark hair, I've had a lot of luck using volume 40 developer and L'oreal's For Dark Hair Only line.  I'll even just mix part of the tube and use the rest later.  It DOES strip your old color out- just minus the terrible bleaching process.  I just recently cut all of mine out (it was getting amazingly damaged at the ends and while red ombre was fun for a bit I guess I'm ready to go back to my natural color)- but that dye was awesome.  And it didn't completely ruin my hair.  Or turn it orange!

Quote: Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I feel like I'm the only one who actually doesn't want to guess their SS . Which is amazing because I am always the one who look at spoilers & ask hints about Christmas presents LOL. I do wonder though when gals are posting, if they are my SS but I wouldn't want to really know until I have the box. I want to be surprised for once. I love surprises!

The same goes for my Secret Santee. I don't want her to find out! So I've been trying not to post even the slightest hints LOL.
whenever someone has an elf request for me i'm just like "shoot! that's not my person!" but i also don't want to know who my person is until i get it!

Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif

On my way to the post office..my SS gift will be on the way!!!
So excited!! Hope she likes everything!!
My Secret Santa gift will arrive in the same box :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Dear SS,

It's going to take me a little while to get your gift out.  I totally ordered something that you will LOVE but it has to come from a far-away land.  It should be here any day now, though.  It also gives me a few more days, so maybe I can pick up a few more stuffers 
.  I hope you will love it.. I've stalked you like a hawk and I truly think that you will love everything I've found for you!  And I hope you like your wrapping- I have it all planned out!


Dear SS,

I feel bad because I want to mail your gift soon but I have been incredibly busy. Ugh. This Vonnegut analysis is not going to write itself unfortunately :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'll do my best to get it out by the end of the week. I promise!

Dear SSantee --

I meant to mail your box out today. I already taped it up because absolutely nothing else would fit in there. I was running late for work and only grabbed my swap packages and not your box! I'm so excited for you to get yours!!!!!!!!!!


Dear Secret Santa --

Anyone who has traded with me knows that I'm incredibly paranoid about mail getting lost or stolen. The suspense of a random package coming in the mail is killlling me! I can't wait to see what wonderful things you're sending!


Hey ss, back again- I really wish I knew who you were lol. It kills me it does. But secretly I wish you'd send an elf just to taunt me. I'm a glutton for pain. Don't you worry about dupes- I'd take a dupe of anything on my list or even a product you send that I might already own (I'm a beauty product hoarder, lol)! I haven't bought anything from my list though-hell, I haven't even bought myself things not in my list (minus a minor purchase last night) so no worries :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Santee- there's a very good chance that your package will go out no earlier than the 14th. My semester ends on the 13th, and if you haven't seen yet- I pretty much procrastinated (I'm the queen of procrastination)to the very end with like, 2 of my online classes. I believe I can finish my work- cause I'm also the queen of efficiency under massive amounts of stress that I cause myself- anyways, I'll probably still be receiving your goodies up until then anyways. Trust me- it is so worth the wait. I know you're going to love it!

I told you ladies earlier in the thread that I rear ended someone on the way to mail my SS package last year. Well, now I'm being sued. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
That sucks!!! I hope it works out for you.
Dear Secret Santee: I was going to go home and grab the box and mail it out before class. My boyfriend just notified me that the old woman who lives a few doors down from us has passed away...a while ago based on "what he smelled when they opened her door". The fire department and cops are in my building. I am too scared to go home now. Sorry. And RIP apartment 21. Xoxox Jess.

Dear SS, I am searching for a cute reusable box with an item you said you loved on it. Sorry no luck thus far. I hope you like your gifts. I got it off your list and different post but I did keep getting you and my other lady confused. Too much going on in the brain. But, I figured it out. I hope they are not dupes and you still desire these items. Your box will go out next week. Xoxo Jac13

Didnt mail my box yesterday and I was going to go today buuuut it's snowing and I want to hibernate. It'll go out tomorrow fo sho. You'll have it in your pretty hands on Friday!


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