Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My aunt recently tried to get white/silver streaks put in her hair. Which is almost entirely black. She was pissed that the salon couldn't get it to go any lighter than medium red even with volume 40. I just squinted at her and said she should have asked me because I could have *told* her that wasn't going to work. The only way her hair will bleach out to white is a triple process, and I'm not sure her hair can withstand that. Then she said that the stylist pointed out that, look, she has some silver hairs! My aunt: "Yeah. I walked in with those. I want *more*." I think her plan was to get white streaks and then use temporary-ish bright colors as her mood strikes so she's not stuck with the same color until her next stylist appointment. She's had permanent color streaks put in before, so this isn't really a new thing for her, but changing colors on a whim is.
(My aunt is going to be sixty-five, oh, ****, tomorrow. I forgot to get her a birthday card/present. Hmm, I actually have a can of blue Bumble+Bumble spray chalk -- which I won at a Sephora event -- that I think might be acceptable. Blue streaks in the hair of someone who cusses a blue streak! It's a theme! And I work next door to a card shop! Holy last-minute scramble, Batman! I might be able to pull this off as if it was planned all along!)
This is badass. Also- for dark hair, I've had a lot of luck using volume 40 developer and L'oreal's For Dark Hair Only line. I'll even just mix part of the tube and use the rest later. It DOES strip your old color out- just minus the terrible bleaching process. I just recently cut all of mine out (it was getting amazingly damaged at the ends and while red ombre was fun for a bit I guess I'm ready to go back to my natural color)- but that dye was awesome. And it didn't completely ruin my hair. Or turn it orange!