(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by ZeeOmega /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Did she have really dark hair? She may have been experiencing the disappointment of once again realizing that the only way for her to achieve fun colors was to undergo extensive bleaching. =(
My aunt recently tried to get white/silver streaks put in her hair.  Which is almost entirely black.  She was pissed that the salon couldn't get it to go any lighter than medium red even with volume 40.  I just squinted at her and said she should have asked me because I could have *told* her that wasn't going to work.  The only way her hair will bleach out to white is a triple process, and I'm not sure her hair can withstand that.  Then she said that the stylist pointed out that, look, she has some silver hairs!  My aunt:  "Yeah.  I walked in with those.  I want *more*."  I think her plan was to get white streaks and then use temporary-ish bright colors as her mood strikes so she's not stuck with the same color until her next stylist appointment.  She's had permanent color streaks put in before, so this isn't really a new thing for her, but changing colors on a whim is.

(My aunt is going to be sixty-five, oh, ****, tomorrow.  I forgot to get her a birthday card/present.    Hmm, I actually have a can of blue Bumble+Bumble spray chalk -- which I won at a Sephora event -- that I think might be acceptable.  Blue streaks in the hair of someone who cusses a blue streak!  It's a theme!  And I work next door to a card shop!  Holy last-minute scramble, Batman!  I might be able to pull this off as if it was planned all along!)

I think I'm in love with your aunt.
That's my goal when I'm her age, to still be dying my hair weird

Guess I'm lucky that I have red hair (lighter side of red) and when I've bleached my hair, it was super easy to get white! =p and I'm no pro at hair by any means... I just sort of... Idk, winged it lol

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile; My aunt got hit by a car and has been in a coma and sadly she passed away today, so life has been kind of...yeah, not the same the past week..

Dear SS, I'm sorry I haven't mailed out your package but I promise it will go out soon!

To answer the two questions I saw; My favorite Disney princess is Snow White, and I'm allergic to Blueberries.

Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Sorry I haven't updated in awhile; My aunt got hit by a car and has been in a coma and sadly she passed away today, so life has been kind of...yeah, not the same the past week..

Dear SS, I'm sorry I haven't mailed out your package but I promise it will go out soon!

To answer the two questions I saw; My favorite Disney princess is Snow White, and I'm allergic to Blueberries.
OH NO! Are you ok? I'm so sorry to hear that
internet hug

Quote: Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Same here.

I went into a store today to buy something else for my giftee.

I asked the SA for some reco's about colors and flavors etc.

She asked me some questions about my giftee.

I said "I don't know, this is a Secret Santa thing".

Then the SA said "Is this for work?"

Me: "No..It's from something else".

SA: ""From where?"

Me: "Doesn't matter, too hard to explain"

SA: "Well have you met her?"

Me: "No"

SA: "Will you ever meet her?"/

Me: "Probably not. No".

SA" This is really weird"
Laughing so hard there's tears in my eyes!  Gasping for air...  

@morre22, am sorry for your lost, that is really rough.  Didn't mean to be switch subject, I didn't read all the blogs and was responding to something that caught my attention.  

Please take time out for yourself to mend a little.

[@]morre22[/@] oh sweetie...I'm so sorry for your loss. :,( I'm sure your giftee won't mind- they shouldn't. I say take all the time you need. *hugs* hang in there beautiful.

Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Sorry I haven't updated in awhile; My aunt got hit by a car and has been in a coma and sadly she passed away today, so life has been kind of...yeah, not the same the past week..

Dear SS, I'm sorry I haven't mailed out your package but I promise it will go out soon!

To answer the two questions I saw; My favorite Disney princess is Snow White, and I'm allergic to Blueberries.
So sorry for your loss.  

Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Sorry I haven't updated in awhile; My aunt got hit by a car and has been in a coma and sadly she passed away today, so life has been kind of...yeah, not the same the past week..

Dear SS, I'm sorry I haven't mailed out your package but I promise it will go out soon!

To answer the two questions I saw; My favorite Disney princess is Snow White, and I'm allergic to Blueberries.
So sorry to hear this.  Sending lots of hugs and good wishes to you and your family.  

Catching up on my favorite thread...


Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I want to share everything that I've done so far for my SSantee! (Who cares that I have finals soon? I figured I should sent it out sooner rather than later and I did have some down time tonight). I want to share pics!!! Buuuut I don't wanna spoil it. I guess that's why there's other social media platforms, right? But no one understands how fun and important it is than this group of ladies! Maybe I'll put it in a spoiler?
I want to share mine so bad too! When the packages were coming, I wanted to stick it on Instagram or something but I don't want to ruin it for anyone! I'm PRETTY sure my person doesn't have IG, but you never know. So now I just wrapped it, which makes it impossible for me to ruin anything because now it's just a box!

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Now I really feel bad
  it was never my intention to belittle anyone's wrapping capabilities, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going overboard!
Please don't feel bad for that beautiful wrapping job. If that was mine, I would probably just stare the the wrapping paper for a while before I actually opened my gifts. SO PRETTY. 

Quote: Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Am I the only one who is going to want to send my SS a gift after I get hers?

Nope! I am definitely planning on sending something. 

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I CANNOT WAIT!!!! My first ipod that I ever owned had the quote "you stay classy san diego" engraved on the back.

You are my favorite. For real. That is amazing!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My life. 

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My life. Sans child. I realize I sound crazy when I tell my boyfriend about my "make up talk friends".
Ditto. Sometimes I'll be talking about someone and he's like 'Is this a real person or an online person' hahahaha. Has to clarify!

Quote: Originally Posted by ZeeOmega /img/forum/go_quote.gif

FYI - large items generally ship in their original boxes, since it doesn't make sense for retailers to find an even bigger box to put the box in and then you end up with box-ception. Oh, and admittedly superfluous boxes in terms of shipping. But yikes, can it ruin a surprise! I'm pretty sure a drum kit would all ship in distinctive boxes, except for maybe the smaller parts like the pedal(s) , etc, so you may want to try and make sure you're around to receive it when he's not there!

(Not participating in SS this year - maybe next year! - but love watching the fun.) 

Ah, I know. I actually got him an electric kit last year and it came just in the regular box, with of picture of it on the outside. And of course it came while I was at work and he was home sooo that was ruined. I told him his gift was coming this week so he'd know to let me answer the door. And then I'll probably stick it in our 2nd bedroom..which is basically my closet. And then wrap it right away!

I'm so terrible at keeping surprises and I've been planning/saving up for this since JUNE. I can't believe I didn't accidentally say something yet. Hahaha. 

I just got a message from an Elf about a food item.  I was ridiculously excited because this means there may be FOOD IN MY BOX!!!  I already feel like I will love my gift.

 Also to all the ladies worried about wrapping skills.  I am pretty bad at wrapping so I put huge bows and decorative tape on everything.  It distracts from the horrible wrapping skills, lol.  I forgot to take a picture of my items all wrapped before I sent them so I hope my santee takes some pics before she opens them.   

My wrapping abilities come and go.  Sometimes, things turn out wonderfully.  Other times…  not so much.  Usually the latter.

Oh!  I just remembered something from my adolescence!  My mother instilled a strong fear of her in us.  Sneaking peeks at presents?  Did not happen.  Ever.  She was phenomenal at hiding things (usually in the trunk of the car, and I have *no clue* how nothing ever got stolen, but sometimes so well she forgot about them or couldn't find them until well after Christmas), and if she found out we had snuck peeks, the present in question would go back to the store.  

So.  When I was in middle school, she started MAKING MY BROTHER AND ME WRAP OUR OWN PRESENTS.  She would put everything in department store shirt boxes -- whether it was clothing or not -- and tape them shut so they didn't fall open when we picked them up, and then she would buy two kinds of wrapping paper -- one for me and one for my brother -- and tell us to wrap this stack in this paper and that stack in that paper, but no to/from tags.  And we did.  And we never, *ever* peeked.  We would not know which paper went to which one of us until Christmas morning.  I think she would wrap larger things that wouldn't fit in the shirt boxes herself, but for the most part, she did not wrap presents "because that's why I had kids:  To do my bidding."

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My wrapping abilities come and go.  Sometimes, things turn out wonderfully.  Other times…  not so much.  Usually the latter.

Oh!  I just remembered something from my adolescence!  My mother instilled a strong fear of her in us.  Sneaking peeks at presents?  Did not happen.  Ever.  She was phenomenal at hiding things (usually in the trunk of the car, and I have *no clue* how nothing ever got stolen, but sometimes so well she forgot about them or couldn't find them until well after Christmas), and if she found out we had snuck peeks, the present in question would go back to the store.

So.  When I was in middle school, she started MAKING MY BROTHER AND ME WRAP OUR OWN PRESENTS.  She would put everything in department store shirt boxes -- whether it was clothing or not -- and tape them shut so they didn't fall open when we picked them up, and then she would buy two kinds of wrapping paper -- one for me and one for my brother -- and tell us to wrap this stack in this paper and that stack in that paper, but no to/from tags.  And we did.  And we never, *ever* peeked.  We would not know which paper went to which one of us until Christmas morning.  I think she would wrap larger things that wouldn't fit in the shirt boxes herself, but for the most part, she did not wrap presents "because that's why I had kids:  To do my bidding."
Well, she's a genius. lol. That's crazy though! I guess if I knew my present would go away, I sure as hell wouldn't look either!

That's what my dad told us when we were smaller (why us kids were around)...y'know, when I was 5 and making his jack and cokes, amongst other age-inappropriate things.
...He wasn't exactly a winner. But that's a story for another day.

Next year I'm foregoing all other gifts and getting a stand mixer. My daughter put the butter in the freezer instead of the fridge, so its taking forever to get the butter whipped for peanut butter cookies for my guys

I have never been so excited to go to the post office! I work 'til 7 AM and then I'm going straight there to mail my gift. 

I have a horrible feeling it's going to cost me an arm & a leg to mail it but I don't even care. I just hope they don't cover up my semi-artsy address label with stupid post office stickers. And I hope nothing breaks. I think everything is wrapped pretty soundly but you never know!

Side note: The last time I mailed something, the lady at the post office scolded me for making my fours 'wrong' and then took out a notepad to show me how to do it properly. Not cool! But I made a point of making them HER way on the address label this time and I'm totally going to point it out to her! 

Your 4's are wrong? WTH She'd probably hate my 2s I make them like cursive qs

I'm getting so antsy to ship that I kind of wish I hadn't placed another order, haha...but all the the wrapping finally has me in a Christmassy mood! Tomorrow is my day off and I fully intend to spend it watching the first two Home Alone movies, Elf, and Christmas Vacation, while drinking hot chocolate and wearing ugly sweater socks. Yesssss. <3

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have never been so excited to go to the post office! I work 'til 7 AM and then I'm going straight there to mail my gift. 

I have a horrible feeling it's going to cost me an arm & a leg to mail it but I don't even care. I just hope they don't cover up my semi-artsy address label with stupid post office stickers. And I hope nothing breaks. I think everything is wrapped pretty soundly but you never know!

Side note: The last time I mailed something, the lady at the post office scolded me for making my fours 'wrong' and then took out a notepad to show me how to do it properly. Not cool! But I made a point of making them HER way on the address label this time and I'm totally going to point it out to her! 

I've actually gotten scolded about my 4's, too! I used to make them the way they look when typed - triangular on top. After getting hassled, I trained myself to make them the open-topped way.


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