(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by Animezing /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Dear Santee (regular)
A few nights ago, I was on my way to pick up a friend from school & was running a bit late. I decided to make a quick stop for gas & was opening the back car door to retrieve my wallet from the back seat when something awful happened! Well, I didn't notice the huge metal pole next to the car door (in my defense, I was in a hurry & it was dark) so when I flung open the back car door my middle finger got slammed hard in between the pole and outer edge of the door. Needless to say, my finger now looks like a mangled sausage. It's swollen, bruised, & UGLY! 

Anyhow, I wanted both my nails & regular Santees to know this, so that they don't get offended when they receive their poorly wrapped presents. I did try my best to make everything presentable. I also wanted to type out a list explaining why I chose each item, but typing for a long period of time is painful too. :'( I managed to finish up one list (nails) yesterday morning, & will do the other (regular) tonight - But I'll have to keep it short. Sorry, Santees I hope you understand.
I have done something similar to this except it was when I was helping to put together some scaffolding for re-painting the house. My dad and I were lowering one of the last pieces down and my thumb got caught in the hole where the other piece was supposed to click in. I think I was 12 years old at the time. The scaffolding squished my thumb. My thumb itself didn't look too terrible but my nail turned black and eventually fell off. It did grow back but the whole thing was a terrifying experience for my tween self.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ditto- I even stated that if they wanted/needed to save the money/trees, that's totally fine. Not everyone can be a wrapping guru.

On the tp- did you see that episode of double divas where one of those gals made a tp wedding dress? Ah-mazing.
That's the one episode I did see. That was crazy...I couldn't even imagine trying that one.

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Okay...I need help. Is this too over the top for wrapping? I just like to make things purdy

But, I'm pretty sure my SS is one who will "tear" into her gifts, lol...
Stunning!!! I love blue wrapping paper for the holiday. Just found a teal blue with snowflakes to use this year.

I've still got one more order to make and some stuff that needs to come in before I can start cramming things into a box, so it might be a little later than some other people, but my goal is to ship out by the end of the week.

I wanted to believe that I stayed somewhat close to the budget, but as I do the math I realize that is completely false.  Oh well!  I just hope she really enjoys what I am putting together.  The main item is completely out on a limb, but it's one of my all-time favorite products and something she needs more of in my opinion. 

I may even start wrapping soon; you ladies have me inspired!  Too bad I'm not near my mom--she has the wrap stash of excellence and the ability to wrap any shape.  Unfortunately, I try not to keep too much of that stuff around, so we'll see what I come up with...creativity and little drawings may have to suffice.

Quote: Originally Posted by makeitupasigo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have done something similar to this except it was when I was helping to put together some scaffolding for re-painting the house. My dad and I were lowering one of the last pieces down and my thumb got caught in the hole where the other piece was supposed to click in. I think I was 12 years old at the time. The scaffolding squished my thumb. My thumb itself didn't look too terrible but my nail turned black and eventually fell off. It did grow back but the whole thing was a terrifying experience for my tween self.
Not my finger, but still a smoosh story.  Spoiler for the squeamish.

When I was a senior in high school, I lifted weights in the evenings (wow, *that* was a thing *I* did?  So bizarre!  Anyway…).  One night, I dropped a barbell on my foot.  It smashed my big toe -- and then the blood pooled under my toenail to the point where I could FEEL MY PULSE IN MY TOE.  I could barely stand up long enough to hobble to the bathroom and back.  It wasn't an emergency room kind of thing, and I couldn't get a doctor's appointment until late afternoon, but because of the pain, I stayed home with my foot propped up watching tv until my mom could take me to the doctor so she could DRILL A HOLE IN MY TOENAIL to drain the blood and relieve the pressure.  And then I had to soak my toe in hydrogen peroxide for something like fifteen minutes three times a day for a week or two so the blood could continue to drain and not cause any problems.   And then five years later, a few weeks after I graduated from college, I got chunks of wood stuck in my foot between my big toe and the one next to it, but that's a whole 'nother story that involved weekly trips to the podiatrist to try to dig it all out for about two months followed by full-out surgery the following winter.  And hydrocodone.  Lots of hydrocodone.
These two incidents are probably why I have a very high tolerance for my own open wounds.  Digging out splinters and ingrown hairs with only tweezers and a straight pin?  Better grab something to mop up the blood.  Sometimes, those suckers are *deep*.

Here is a box of goodies for my SS:
I love wrapping in Kraft Paper

I also have 2 other bags of stuff that didn't fit in the box. Oops
Not my finger, but still a smoosh story.  Spoiler for the squeamish.
When I was a senior in high school, I lifted weights in the evenings (wow, *that* was a thing *I* did?  So bizarre!  Anyway…).  One night, I dropped a barbell on my foot.  It smashed my big toe -- and then the blood pooled under my toenail to the point where I could FEEL MY PULSE IN MY TOE.  I could barely stand up long enough to hobble to the bathroom and back.  It wasn't an emergency room kind of thing, and I couldn't get a doctor's appointment until late afternoon, but because of the pain, I stayed home with my foot propped up watching tv until my mom could take me to the doctor so she could DRILL A HOLE IN MY TOENAIL to drain the blood and relieve the pressure.  And then I had to soak my toe in hydrogen peroxide for something like fifteen minutes three times a day for a week or two so the blood could continue to drain and not cause any problems.   And then five years later, a few weeks after I graduated from college, I got chunks of wood stuck in my foot between my big toe and the one next to it, but that's a whole 'nother story that involved weekly trips to the podiatrist to try to dig it all out for about two months followed by full-out surgery the following winter.  And hydrocodone.  Lots of hydrocodone.
These two incidents are probably why I have a very high tolerance for my own open wounds.  Digging out splinters and ingrown hairs with only tweezers and a straight pin?  Better grab something to mop up the blood.  Sometimes, those suckers are *deep*. As sick as this sounds, I really really was expecting a gruesome picture. Lol. Sounds awful- luckily I don't have a toe-drill story, or that I am thankful lol.
Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

As sick as this sounds, I really really was expecting a gruesome picture. Lol.

Sounds awful- luckily I don't have a toe-drill story, or that I am thankful lol.
I was actually hoping for a gruesome picture! I loved being an Army medic wayyyyy tooo much! hahahaha

Sorry, no photo exists! The barbell incident was more than -- ack, before slinka was even born! If it was today, you can be sure there would be copious amounts of pictures.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thank goodness I'm not the only one! Lol. (Not the Amy medic thing, obviously =p)
Let's get weird together!

I want to share everything that I've done so far for my SSantee! (Who cares that I have finals soon? I figured I should sent it out sooner rather than later and I did have some down time tonight). I want to share pics!!! Buuuut I don't wanna spoil it. I guess that's why there's other social media platforms, right? But no one understands how fun and important it is than this group of ladies! Maybe I'll put it in a spoiler?

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thank goodness I'm not the only one! Lol. (Not the Amy medic thing, obviously =p)
Let's get weird together!

Yeah...I'll join in on this party!

I almost posted this when I saw meaganola's initial post, but I thought no one would enjoy it - One of my nursing professors (a Nurse Practitioner) actually told us that when she was practicing in a very-rural area, something similar had happened to her neighbor's toe...(continued in spoiler) 

The hospital was a few hours away and the neighbor did not have health insurance. So, she MacGyver'ed the situation with a sterile, hot needle. I thought that was pretty darn cool!
Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah...I'll join in on this party!

I almost posted this when I saw meaganola's initial post, but I thought no one would enjoy it - One of my nursing professors (a Nurse Practitioner) actually told us that when she was practicing in a very-rural area, something similar had happened to her neighbor's toe...(continued in spoiler) 

The hospital was a few hours away and the neighbor did not have health insurance. So, she MacGyver'ed the situation with a sterile, hot needle. I thought that was pretty darn cool!
If you have have the formal training you can MacGyver a lot of stuff.

I remember when I was stationed in San Antonio for medic training and every friday I would set up a makeshift IV lab for the girls who were going out to party. It was totally against the rules and extremely fun.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  lol, you and me both girl. I'm about 2 seconds away from getting her ANOTHER thing. omg.

Can't. Stop. Seriously.

I have no clue how I am even going to wrap and pack all this stuff up!!!!!

With my basic knowledge (working at a tattoo parlor teaches you fun stuff) and pre-nursing smarts ...I tend to take care of anything physically ailing me. Unless its something I know I can't do...yknow, mrsa crazy infection (happened) or that time I got shingles but didn't know what shingles was (I was like, 19.) and thought I had face leprosy... Fun times.
